pacman.executor.algorithm_classes package


pacman.executor.algorithm_classes.abstract_algorithm module

class pacman.executor.algorithm_classes.abstract_algorithm.AbstractAlgorithm(algorithm_id, required_inputs, optional_inputs, outputs)[source]

Bases: object

Represents the metadata for an algorithm

  • algorithm_id (str) – The unique id of the algorithm
  • required_inputs (list of AbstractInput) – The inputs required by the algorithm
  • optional_inputs (list of AbstractInput) – The optional inputs for the algorithm, which will be provided when available
  • outputs (list of Output) – The output types of the algorithm

The id for this algorithm


Call the algorithm with the given inputs and return the outputs

Parameters:inputs – A dict of input type -> value
Returns:A dict of output type -> value

The optional inputs of the algorithm


The outputs of the algorithm


The required inputs of the algorithm


Writes the header info for this algorithm So things like name, module, class, function and command_line_arguments

But not anything about input and outputs as this is done elsewhere :param provenance_file: File to write to :type provenance_file: file

pacman.executor.algorithm_classes.abstract_python_algorithm module

class pacman.executor.algorithm_classes.abstract_python_algorithm.AbstractPythonAlgorithm(algorithm_id, required_inputs, optional_inputs, outputs, python_module)[source]

Bases: pacman.executor.algorithm_classes.abstract_algorithm.AbstractAlgorithm

An algorithm written in Python

  • algorithm_id (str) – The unique id of the algorithm
  • required_inputs (list of AbstractInput) – The inputs required by the algorithm
  • optional_inputs (list of AbstractInput) – The optional inputs for the algorithm, which will be provided when available
  • outputs (list of Output) – The output types of the algorithm
  • python_module – The module containing the python code to execute

Call the algorithm with the given inputs and return the outputs

Parameters:inputs – A dict of input type -> value
Returns:A dict of output type -> value

Call the algorithm

Parameters:inputs – A dict of parameter name -> value
Returns:The result of calling the python algorithm

pacman.executor.algorithm_classes.external_algorithm module

class pacman.executor.algorithm_classes.external_algorithm.ExternalAlgorithm(algorithm_id, required_inputs, optional_inputs, outputs, command_line_arguments)[source]

Bases: pacman.executor.algorithm_classes.abstract_algorithm.AbstractAlgorithm

the container for a algorithm which is external to the SpiNNaker software


Call the algorithm with the given inputs and return the outputs

Parameters:inputs – A dict of input type -> value
Returns:A dict of output type -> value

Writes the header info for this algorithm So things like name, module, class, function and command_line_arguments

But not anything about input and outputs as this is done elsewhere :param provenance_file: File to write to :type provenance_file: file

pacman.executor.algorithm_classes.python_class_algorithm module

pacman.executor.algorithm_classes.python_function_algorithm module

Module contents