Source code for pacman.executor.algorithm_classes.abstract_python_algorithm

from abc import abstractmethod

from pacman import exceptions
from .abstract_algorithm import AbstractAlgorithm
from pacman.model.decorators import overrides

[docs]class AbstractPythonAlgorithm(AbstractAlgorithm): """ An algorithm written in Python """ __slots__ = [ # The module containing the python code to execute "_python_module" ] @overrides(AbstractAlgorithm.__init__) def __init__( self, algorithm_id, required_inputs, optional_inputs, outputs, python_module): """ :param python_module: The module containing the python code to execute """ AbstractAlgorithm.__init__( self, algorithm_id, required_inputs, optional_inputs, outputs) self._python_module = python_module
[docs] @abstractmethod def call_python(self, inputs): """ Call the algorithm :param inputs: A dict of parameter name -> value :return: The result of calling the python algorithm """
[docs] @overrides( def call(self, inputs): # Get the inputs to pass to the function method_inputs = self._get_inputs(inputs) # Run the algorithm and get the results results = self.call_python(method_inputs) if results is not None and not isinstance(results, tuple): results = (results,) # If there are no results and there are not meant to be, return if results is None and len(self._outputs) == 0: return None # Check the results are valid if ((results is None and len(self._outputs) > 0) or len(self._outputs) != len(results)): raise exceptions.PacmanAlgorithmFailedToGenerateOutputsException( "Algorithm {} returned {} but specified {} output types" .format(self._algorithm_id, results, len(self._outputs))) # Return the results processed into a dict return self._get_outputs(inputs, results)