pacman.operations.router_compressors package


pacman.operations.router_compressors.abstract_compressor module

based on

class pacman.operations.router_compressors.abstract_compressor.AbstractCompressor(ordered=True)[source]

Bases: object

compress_tables(router_tables, progress)[source]

Compress all the unordered routing tables

Tables who start of smaller than target_length are not compressed

  • router_tables (MulticastRoutingTable) – Routing tables
  • progress – Progress bar to show while working
Tpye progress:



The compressed but still unordered routing tables

static intersect(key_a, mask_a, key_b, mask_b)[source]

Return if key-mask pairs intersect (i.e., would both match some of the same keys).

For example, the key-mask pairs 00XX and 001X both match the keys``0010`` and 0011 (i.e., they do intersect):

>>> intersect(0b0000, 0b1100, 0b0010, 0b1110)

But the key-mask pairs 00XX and 11XX do not match any of the same keys (i.e., they do not intersect):

>>> intersect(0b0000, 0b1100, 0b1100, 0b1100)
  • key_a (int) – The key of first key-mask pair
  • mask_a – The mask of first key-mask pair
  • key_b (int) – The key of second key-mask pair
  • mask_b – The mask of second key-mask pair

True if the two key-mask pairs intersect otherwise False.

Return type:


merge(entry1, entry2)[source]

Merges two entries/triples into one that covers both

The assumption is that they both have the same known spinnaker_route

  • entry1 (Entry) – Key, Mask, defaultable from the first entry
  • entry2 (Entry) – Key, Mask, defaultable from the second entry

Key, Mask, defaultable from merged entry

Return type:

(int, int, bool)


pacman.operations.router_compressors.basic_route_merger module

class pacman.operations.router_compressors.basic_route_merger.BasicRouteMerger[source]

Bases: object

Merges routing tables entries via different masks and an exploration process

pacman.operations.router_compressors.checked_unordered_compressor module

class pacman.operations.router_compressors.checked_unordered_compressor.CheckedUnorderedCompressor[source]

Bases: pacman.operations.router_compressors.unordered_compressor.UnorderedCompressor


pacman.operations.router_compressors.clash_compressor module

class pacman.operations.router_compressors.clash_compressor.ClashCompressor(ordered=True)[source]

Bases: pacman.operations.router_compressors.abstract_compressor.AbstractCompressor

compress_ignore_clashers(router_table, top_entries)[source]
find_merge(an_entry, route_entries)[source]

pacman.operations.router_compressors.entry module

class pacman.operations.router_compressors.entry.Entry(key, mask, defaultable, spinnaker_route)[source]

Bases: object

static from_MulticastRoutingEntry(mre)[source]

pacman.operations.router_compressors.malloc_based_route_merger module

class pacman.operations.router_compressors.malloc_based_route_merger.MallocBasedRouteMerger[source]

Bases: object

Routing table entry merging function, that merges based off a malloc memory style.

pacman.operations.router_compressors.pair_compressor module

class pacman.operations.router_compressors.pair_compressor.PairCompressor(ordered=True)[source]

Bases: pacman.operations.router_compressors.abstract_compressor.AbstractCompressor

Routing Table compressor based on brute force. Finds mergable pairs to replace.

This algorithm assumes unordered routing tables and returns a possibly ordered routing tables. If unordered it can be used as a precompressor for another that makes use of order.

In the simplest format the algorithm is:

  1. For every pair of entries in the table
    1. If they have the same spinnaker_route
      1. Create a merged entry
      2. Check that does not intersect any entry with a different route
        1. Remove the two original entries
        2. Add the merged entry
        3. Start over

A slightly optimised algorithm is:

  1. Split the entries into buckets based on spinnaker route
  2. Process the buckets one at a time
    1. For each entry in the buckets
      1. For each other entry in the bucket
        1. Create a merge entry
        2. Make sure there is no clash with an entry in another bucket
        3. Replace the two entries and add the merge
        4. Start the bucket over
      2. If no merge found move the entry from the bucket to the result list
    2. When the bucket is empty the result list becomes the bucket

A farther optimisation is to do the whole thing in place in a single list:

  1. Step 1 is sort the list by route in place
  2. Step 2 do the compression route by route using indexes into the array
    1. The array is split into 6 parts.
      1. 0 to _previous_pointer(-1): Entries in buckets that have already been compressed
      2. _previous_pointer to _write_pointer(-1): Finished entries for the current bucket
      3. _write_pointer to left(-1): Unused space due to previous merges
      4. left to right: Not yet finished entries from the current bucket
      5. right(+ 1) to _remaining_index(-1): Unused space due to previous merges
      6. _remaining_index to max_index(-1): Entries in buckets not yet compressed
  3. Step 3 use only the entries up to _write_pointer(-1)

A farther optimisation is to uses order. The entries are sorted by route frequency from low to high. The results are considered ordered so previous routes are not considered.

The advantage is this allows all the entries from the most frequent route to be merged into a single entry. And the second most frequent only has to consider the most frequent routes.

Step 1 requires the counting of the frequency of routes and the sorting the routes based on this frequency. The current tie break between routes with the same frequency is the route but this is arbitrary at the algorithm level. This code does not use a dictionary to keep the code the same as the C.

Step 2 is change in that the previous entries (0 to _previous_pointer(-1)) are not considered for clash checking


Compresses all the entries for a single table.

Compressed the entries for this unordered table returning a new table with possibly fewer entries but still unordered

Parameters:router_table (MulticastRoutingTable) – Original Routing table for a single chip
Returns:Compressed routing table for the same chip
Return type:MulticastRoutingTable

pacman.operations.router_compressors.unordered_compressor module

class pacman.operations.router_compressors.unordered_compressor.UnorderedCompressor[source]

Bases: pacman.operations.router_compressors.pair_compressor.PairCompressor

Module contents

class pacman.operations.router_compressors.AbstractCompressor(ordered=True)[source]

Bases: object

compress_tables(router_tables, progress)[source]

Compress all the unordered routing tables

Tables who start of smaller than target_length are not compressed

  • router_tables (MulticastRoutingTable) – Routing tables
  • progress – Progress bar to show while working
Tpye progress:



The compressed but still unordered routing tables

static intersect(key_a, mask_a, key_b, mask_b)[source]

Return if key-mask pairs intersect (i.e., would both match some of the same keys).

For example, the key-mask pairs 00XX and 001X both match the keys``0010`` and 0011 (i.e., they do intersect):

>>> intersect(0b0000, 0b1100, 0b0010, 0b1110)

But the key-mask pairs 00XX and 11XX do not match any of the same keys (i.e., they do not intersect):

>>> intersect(0b0000, 0b1100, 0b1100, 0b1100)
  • key_a (int) – The key of first key-mask pair
  • mask_a – The mask of first key-mask pair
  • key_b (int) – The key of second key-mask pair
  • mask_b – The mask of second key-mask pair

True if the two key-mask pairs intersect otherwise False.

Return type:


merge(entry1, entry2)[source]

Merges two entries/triples into one that covers both

The assumption is that they both have the same known spinnaker_route

  • entry1 (Entry) – Key, Mask, defaultable from the first entry
  • entry2 (Entry) – Key, Mask, defaultable from the second entry

Key, Mask, defaultable from merged entry

Return type:

(int, int, bool)

class pacman.operations.router_compressors.CheckedUnorderedCompressor[source]

Bases: pacman.operations.router_compressors.unordered_compressor.UnorderedCompressor

class pacman.operations.router_compressors.Entry(key, mask, defaultable, spinnaker_route)[source]

Bases: object

static from_MulticastRoutingEntry(mre)[source]
class pacman.operations.router_compressors.PairCompressor(ordered=True)[source]

Bases: pacman.operations.router_compressors.abstract_compressor.AbstractCompressor

Routing Table compressor based on brute force. Finds mergable pairs to replace.

This algorithm assumes unordered routing tables and returns a possibly ordered routing tables. If unordered it can be used as a precompressor for another that makes use of order.

In the simplest format the algorithm is:

  1. For every pair of entries in the table
    1. If they have the same spinnaker_route
      1. Create a merged entry
      2. Check that does not intersect any entry with a different route
        1. Remove the two original entries
        2. Add the merged entry
        3. Start over

A slightly optimised algorithm is:

  1. Split the entries into buckets based on spinnaker route
  2. Process the buckets one at a time
    1. For each entry in the buckets
      1. For each other entry in the bucket
        1. Create a merge entry
        2. Make sure there is no clash with an entry in another bucket
        3. Replace the two entries and add the merge
        4. Start the bucket over
      2. If no merge found move the entry from the bucket to the result list
    2. When the bucket is empty the result list becomes the bucket

A farther optimisation is to do the whole thing in place in a single list:

  1. Step 1 is sort the list by route in place
  2. Step 2 do the compression route by route using indexes into the array
    1. The array is split into 6 parts.
      1. 0 to _previous_pointer(-1): Entries in buckets that have already been compressed
      2. _previous_pointer to _write_pointer(-1): Finished entries for the current bucket
      3. _write_pointer to left(-1): Unused space due to previous merges
      4. left to right: Not yet finished entries from the current bucket
      5. right(+ 1) to _remaining_index(-1): Unused space due to previous merges
      6. _remaining_index to max_index(-1): Entries in buckets not yet compressed
  3. Step 3 use only the entries up to _write_pointer(-1)

A farther optimisation is to uses order. The entries are sorted by route frequency from low to high. The results are considered ordered so previous routes are not considered.

The advantage is this allows all the entries from the most frequent route to be merged into a single entry. And the second most frequent only has to consider the most frequent routes.

Step 1 requires the counting of the frequency of routes and the sorting the routes based on this frequency. The current tie break between routes with the same frequency is the route but this is arbitrary at the algorithm level. This code does not use a dictionary to keep the code the same as the C.

Step 2 is change in that the previous entries (0 to _previous_pointer(-1)) are not considered for clash checking


Compresses all the entries for a single table.

Compressed the entries for this unordered table returning a new table with possibly fewer entries but still unordered

Parameters:router_table (MulticastRoutingTable) – Original Routing table for a single chip
Returns:Compressed routing table for the same chip
Return type:MulticastRoutingTable
class pacman.operations.router_compressors.UnorderedCompressor[source]

Bases: pacman.operations.router_compressors.pair_compressor.PairCompressor