Source code for pacman.operations.routing_info_allocator_algorithms.malloc_based_routing_allocator.compressible_malloc_based_routing_info_allocator

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The University of Manchester
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import logging
import numpy
from past.builtins import xrange
from six import iteritems, itervalues
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from spinn_utilities.ordered_set import OrderedSet
from spinn_utilities.progress_bar import ProgressBar
from pacman.model.constraints.key_allocator_constraints import (
    AbstractKeyAllocatorConstraint, FixedKeyFieldConstraint,
    FixedMaskConstraint, FixedKeyAndMaskConstraint,
from pacman.model.graphs.common import EdgeTrafficType
from .key_field_generator import KeyFieldGenerator
from pacman.model.routing_info import (
    RoutingInfo, BaseKeyAndMask, PartitionRoutingInfo)
from pacman.utilities.utility_calls import (
    check_algorithm_can_support_constraints, locate_constraints_of_type,
    compress_from_bit_array, expand_to_bit_array)
from pacman.utilities.algorithm_utilities import ElementAllocatorAlgorithm
from pacman.utilities.algorithm_utilities.routing_info_allocator_utilities \
    import (
        check_types_of_edge_constraint, get_edge_groups)
from pacman.exceptions import (
    PacmanConfigurationException, PacmanRouteInfoAllocationException)
from .utils import get_possible_masks

logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

[docs]class CompressibleMallocBasedRoutingInfoAllocator(ElementAllocatorAlgorithm): """ A Routing Info Allocation Allocator algorithm that keeps track of\ free keys and attempts to allocate them as requested, but that also\ looks at routing tables in an attempt to make things more compressible """ __slots__ = [] def __init__(self): super(CompressibleMallocBasedRoutingInfoAllocator, self).__init__( 0, 2 ** 32) def __call__(self, machine_graph, n_keys_map, routing_tables): # check that this algorithm supports the constraints check_algorithm_can_support_constraints( constrained_vertices=machine_graph.outgoing_edge_partitions, supported_constraints=[ FixedMaskConstraint, FixedKeyAndMaskConstraint, ContiguousKeyRangeContraint], abstract_constraint_type=AbstractKeyAllocatorConstraint) # verify that no edge has more than 1 of a constraint ,and that # constraints are compatible check_types_of_edge_constraint(machine_graph) routing_infos = RoutingInfo() # Get the edges grouped by those that require the same key (fixed_keys, _shared_keys, fixed_masks, fixed_fields, flexi_fields, continuous, noncontinuous) = \ get_edge_groups(machine_graph, EdgeTrafficType.MULTICAST) if flexi_fields: raise PacmanConfigurationException( "MallocBasedRoutingInfoAllocator does not support FlexiField") # Even non-continuous keys will be continuous continuous.extend(noncontinuous) # Go through the groups and allocate keys progress = ProgressBar( machine_graph.n_outgoing_edge_partitions, "Allocating routing keys") # allocate the groups that have fixed keys for group in progress.over(fixed_keys, False): # Get any fixed keys and masks from the group and attempt to # allocate them fixed_mask = None fixed_key_and_mask_constraint = locate_constraints_of_type( group.constraints, FixedKeyAndMaskConstraint)[0] # attempt to allocate them self._allocate_fixed_keys_and_masks( fixed_key_and_mask_constraint.keys_and_masks, fixed_mask) # update the pacman data objects self._update_routing_objects( fixed_key_and_mask_constraint.keys_and_masks, routing_infos, group) continuous.remove(group) for group in progress.over(fixed_masks, False): # get mask and fields if need be fixed_mask = locate_constraints_of_type( group.constraints, FixedMaskConstraint)[0].mask fields = None if group in fixed_fields: fields = locate_constraints_of_type( group.constraints, FixedKeyFieldConstraint)[0].fields fixed_fields.remove(group) # try to allocate keys_and_masks = self._allocate_keys_and_masks( fixed_mask, fields, n_keys_map.n_keys_for_partition(group)) # update the pacman data objects self._update_routing_objects(keys_and_masks, routing_infos, group) continuous.remove(group) for group in progress.over(fixed_fields, False): fields = locate_constraints_of_type( group.constraints, FixedKeyFieldConstraint)[0].fields # try to allocate keys_and_masks = self._allocate_keys_and_masks( None, fields, n_keys_map.n_keys_for_partition(group)) # update the pacman data objects self._update_routing_objects(keys_and_masks, routing_infos, group) continuous.remove(group) # Sort the rest of the groups, using the routing tables for guidance # Group partitions by those which share routes in any table partition_groups = OrderedDict() routers = reversed(sorted( routing_tables.get_routers(), key=lambda item: len(routing_tables.get_entries_for_router( item[0], item[1])))) for x, y in routers: # Find all partitions that share a route in this table partitions_by_route = defaultdict(OrderedSet) routing_table = routing_tables.get_entries_for_router(x, y) for partition, entry in iteritems(routing_table): if partition in continuous: entry_hash = sum( 1 << i for i in entry.link_ids) entry_hash += sum( 1 << (i + 6) for i in entry.processor_ids) partitions_by_route[entry_hash].add(partition) for entry_hash, partitions in iteritems(partitions_by_route): found_groups = list() for partition in partitions: if partition in partition_groups: found_groups.append(partition_groups[partition]) if not found_groups: # If no group was found, create a new one for partition in partitions: partition_groups[partition] = partitions elif len(found_groups) == 1: # If a single other group was found, merge it for partition in partitions: found_groups[0].add(partition) partition_groups[partition] = found_groups[0] else: # Merge the groups new_group = partitions for group in found_groups: for partition in group: new_group.add(partition) for partition in new_group: partition_groups[partition] = new_group # Sort partitions by largest group continuous = list(OrderedSet( tuple(group) for group in itervalues(partition_groups))) for group in reversed(sorted(continuous, key=len)): for partition in progress.over(group, False): keys_and_masks = self._allocate_keys_and_masks( None, None, n_keys_map.n_keys_for_partition(partition)) # update the pacman data objects self._update_routing_objects( keys_and_masks, routing_infos, partition) progress.end() return routing_infos @staticmethod def _update_routing_objects( keys_and_masks, routing_infos, group): # Allocate the routing information partition_info = PartitionRoutingInfo(keys_and_masks, group) routing_infos.add_partition_info(partition_info) @staticmethod def _get_key_ranges(key, mask): """ Get a generator of base_key, n_keys pairs that represent ranges allowed by the mask :param key: The base key :param mask: The mask """ unwrapped_mask = expand_to_bit_array(mask) first_zeros = list() remaining_zeros = list() pos = len(unwrapped_mask) - 1 # Keep the indices of the first set of zeros while pos >= 0 and unwrapped_mask[pos] == 0: first_zeros.append(pos) pos -= 1 # Find all the remaining zeros while pos >= 0: if unwrapped_mask[pos] == 0: remaining_zeros.append(pos) pos -= 1 # Loop over 2^len(remaining_zeros) to produce the base key, # with n_keys being 2^len(first_zeros) n_sets = 2 ** len(remaining_zeros) n_keys = 2 ** len(first_zeros) if not remaining_zeros: yield key, n_keys return unwrapped_key = expand_to_bit_array(key) for value in xrange(n_sets): generated_key = numpy.copy(unwrapped_key) generated_key[remaining_zeros] = \ expand_to_bit_array(value)[-len(remaining_zeros):] yield compress_from_bit_array(generated_key), n_keys def _allocate_fixed_keys_and_masks(self, keys_and_masks, fixed_mask): """ Allocate fixed keys and masks :param keys_and_masks: the fixed keys and masks combos :param fixed_mask: fixed mask :type fixed_mask: None or FixedMask object :rtype: None """ # If there are fixed keys and masks, allocate them for key_and_mask in keys_and_masks: # If there is a fixed mask, check it doesn't clash if fixed_mask is not None and fixed_mask != key_and_mask.mask: raise PacmanRouteInfoAllocationException( "Cannot meet conflicting constraints") # Go through the mask sets and allocate for key, n_keys in self._get_key_ranges( key_and_mask.key, key_and_mask.mask): self._allocate_elements(key, n_keys) def _allocate_keys_and_masks(self, fixed_mask, fields, partition_n_keys, contiguous_keys=True): # If there isn't a fixed mask, generate a fixed mask based # on the number of keys required masks_available = [fixed_mask] if fixed_mask is None: masks_available = get_possible_masks( partition_n_keys, contiguous_keys=contiguous_keys) # For each usable mask, try all of the possible keys and # see if a match is possible mask_found = None key_found = None mask = None for mask in masks_available: logger.debug("Trying mask {} for {} keys", hex(mask), partition_n_keys) key_found = None key_generator = KeyFieldGenerator( mask, fields, self._free_space_tracker) for key in key_generator: logger.debug("Trying key {}", hex(key)) # Check if all the key ranges can be allocated matched_all = True index = 0 for (base_key, n_keys) in self._get_key_ranges(key, mask): logger.debug("Finding slot for {}, n_keys={}", hex(base_key), n_keys) index = self._find_slot(base_key, lo=index) logger.debug("Slot for {} is {}", hex(base_key), index) if index is None: matched_all = False break space = self._check_allocation(index, base_key, n_keys) logger.debug("Space for {} is {}", hex(base_key), space) if space is None: matched_all = False break if matched_all: logger.debug("Matched key {}", hex(key)) key_found = key break # If we found a matching key, store the mask that worked if key_found is not None: logger.debug("Matched mask {}", hex(mask)) mask_found = mask break # If we found a working key and mask that can be assigned, # Allocate them if key_found is not None and mask_found is not None: for (base_key, n_keys) in self._get_key_ranges(key_found, mask): self._allocate_elements(base_key, n_keys) # If we get here, we can assign the keys to the edges return [BaseKeyAndMask(base_key=key_found, mask=mask)] raise PacmanRouteInfoAllocationException( "Could not find space to allocate keys")