Source code for pacman.operations.rigged_algorithms.random_placer

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The University of Manchester
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import random
import numpy
from spinn_utilities.progress_bar import ProgressBar
from pacman.utilities.utility_objs import ResourceTracker
from pacman.utilities.algorithm_utilities.placer_algorithm_utilities import (
    get_same_chip_vertex_groups, sort_vertices_by_known_constraints)
from pacman.model.placements import Placement, Placements

[docs]class RandomPlacer(object): # This placer chooses chips on a machine on which to place vertices at # random, and tracks those which have already been used. # THRESHOLD is an arbitrary number of times the generator is allowed to # pick an already used chip. Once past this threshold is it assumed the # algorithm begins to run out of unused chips and switches to picking from # a list. THRESHOLD = 3 def __call__(self, machine_graph, machine, plan_n_timesteps): """ Place each vertex in a machine graph on a core in the machine. :param machine_graph: The machine_graph to place :type machine_graph:\ :py:class:`pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineGraph` :param machine: A SpiNNaker machine object. :type machine: :py:class:`spinn_machine.Machine` :param plan_n_timesteps: number of timesteps to plan for :type plan_n_timesteps: int :return placements: Placements of vertices on the machine :rtype :py:class:`pacman.model.placements.Placements` """ # check that the algorithm can handle the constraints ResourceTracker.check_constraints(machine_graph.vertices) placements = Placements() vertices = sort_vertices_by_known_constraints(machine_graph.vertices) # Iterate over vertices and generate placements progress = ProgressBar(machine_graph.n_vertices, "Placing graph vertices") resource_tracker = ResourceTracker( machine, plan_n_timesteps, self._generate_random_chips(machine)) vertices_on_same_chip = get_same_chip_vertex_groups(machine_graph) vertices_placed = set() for vertex in progress.over(vertices): if vertex not in vertices_placed: vertices_placed.update(self._place_vertex( vertex, resource_tracker, machine, placements, vertices_on_same_chip)) return placements def _generate_random_chips(self, machine, np=numpy, random_generator=random): """ Generates the list of chips in a random order, with the option \ to provide a starting point. :param machine: A SpiNNaker machine object. :type machine: :py:class:`SpiNNMachine.spinn_machine.machine.Machine` :param random_generator: Python's random number generator :type random_generator: :py:class:`random.Random` :param np: Numpy module :return: x, y coordinates of chips for placement :rtype (int, int) """ # Create a numpy array of size equal or greater to size of machine, # populated with all false values rand_array = np.ones((machine.max_chip_x, machine.max_chip_y), dtype=bool) tries = 0 max_x = machine.max_chip_x - 1 max_y = machine.max_chip_y - 1 # The following method is used to optimise the runtime of this # algorithm for large machines: # Choose an arbitrary number of times the generator is allowed to # pick an already used chip. Once past this threshold (the array # begins to run out of unused chips), create a list of the # remainder and shuffle it. while tries < RandomPlacer.THRESHOLD: x = random_generator.randint(0, max_x) y = random_generator.randint(0, max_y) if rand_array[x][y]: tries = 0 rand_array[x][y] = 0 if machine.is_chip_at(x, y): yield x, y else: tries += 1 # Array is running out of unused chips. Create a list of those # remaining (still are True, or nonzero) remaining_chips = list() (xs, ys) = rand_array.nonzero() for (x, y) in zip(xs, ys): remaining_chips.append((x, y)) # Shuffle list of unused chips for randomness random_generator.shuffle(remaining_chips) for (x, y) in remaining_chips: yield x, y def _place_vertex(self, vertex, resource_tracker, machine, placements, location): vertices = location[vertex] # random x and y value within the maximum of the machine chips = self._generate_random_chips(machine) if len(vertices) > 1: assigned_values = \ resource_tracker.allocate_constrained_group_resources([ (vert.resources_required, vert.constraints) for vert in vertices], chips) for (x, y, p, _, _), vert in zip(assigned_values, vertices): placement = Placement(vert, x, y, p) placements.add_placement(placement) else: (x, y, p, _, _) = resource_tracker.allocate_constrained_resources( vertex.resources_required, vertex.constraints, chips) placement = Placement(vertex, x, y, p) placements.add_placement(placement) return vertices