Source code for pacman.model.routing_tables.multicast_routing_tables

# Copyright (c) 2014 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import json
import gzip
from typing import (
    Collection, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, Optional, Union, cast)

from spinn_utilities.typing.coords import XY
from spinn_utilities.typing.json import JsonObjectArray
from spinn_machine import MulticastRoutingEntry, RoutingEntry

from pacman.exceptions import PacmanAlreadyExistsException

from .abstract_multicast_routing_table import AbstractMulticastRoutingTable
from .uncompressed_multicast_routing_table import (

class MulticastRoutingTables(object):
    Represents the multicast routing tables for a number of chips.

    .. note::
        The tables in an instance of this class should be either all
        uncompressed tables, or all compressed tables.

    __slots__ = (
        # dict of (x,y) -> routing table

    def __init__(self,
                 routing_tables: Iterable[AbstractMulticastRoutingTable] = ()):
        :param iterable(AbstractMulticastRoutingTable) routing_tables:
            The routing tables to add
        :raise PacmanAlreadyExistsException:
            If any two routing tables are for the same chip
        self._routing_tables_by_chip: Dict[
            XY, AbstractMulticastRoutingTable] = dict()

        for routing_table in routing_tables:

[docs] def add_routing_table( self, routing_table: AbstractMulticastRoutingTable) -> None: """ Add a routing table. :param AbstractMulticastRoutingTable routing_table: a routing table to add :raise PacmanAlreadyExistsException: If a routing table already exists for the chip """ if (routing_table.x, routing_table.y) in self._routing_tables_by_chip: raise PacmanAlreadyExistsException( "The Routing table for chip " f"{routing_table.x}:{routing_table.y} already exists in this " "collection and therefore is deemed an error to re-add it", str(routing_table)) self._routing_tables_by_chip[routing_table.x, routing_table.y] = \ routing_table
@property def routing_tables(self) -> Collection[AbstractMulticastRoutingTable]: """ The routing tables stored within. :return: an iterable of routing tables :rtype: iterable(AbstractMulticastRoutingTable) """ return self._routing_tables_by_chip.values()
[docs] def get_max_number_of_entries(self) -> int: """ The maximum number of multicast routing entries there are in any multicast routing table. Will return zero if there are no routing tables :rtype: int """ if self._routing_tables_by_chip: return max(map((lambda x: x.number_of_entries), self._routing_tables_by_chip.values())) else: return 0
[docs] def get_total_number_of_entries(self) -> int: """ The total number of multicast routing entries there are in all multicast routing table. Will return zero if there are no routing tables :rtype: int """ if self._routing_tables_by_chip: return sum(map((lambda x: x.number_of_entries), self._routing_tables_by_chip.values())) else: return 0
[docs] def get_routing_table_for_chip( self, x: int, y: int) -> Optional[AbstractMulticastRoutingTable]: """ Get a routing table for a particular chip. :param int x: The X-coordinate of the chip :param int y: The Y-coordinate of the chip :return: The routing table, or `None` if no such table exists :rtype: AbstractMulticastRoutingTable or None """ return self._routing_tables_by_chip.get((x, y))
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[AbstractMulticastRoutingTable]: """ Iterator for the multicast routing tables stored within. :return: iterator of multicast_routing_table :rtype: iterable(AbstractMulticastRoutingTable) """ return iter(self._routing_tables_by_chip.values()) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._routing_tables_by_chip) def to_json(router_table: MulticastRoutingTables) -> JsonObjectArray: """ Converts RoutingTables to json :param MulticastRoutingTables router_table: :rtype: list(dict(str, object)) """ return [ { "x": routing_table.x, "y": routing_table.y, "entries": [ { "key": entry.key, "mask": entry.mask, "defaultable": entry.defaultable, "spinnaker_route": entry.spinnaker_route } for entry in routing_table.multicast_routing_entries] } for routing_table in router_table] def from_json(j_router: Union[str, JsonObjectArray]) -> MulticastRoutingTables: """ Creates Routing Tables based on json :param j_router: :type: str or list :rtype: MulticastRoutingTables """ if isinstance(j_router, str): if j_router.endswith(".gz"): with as j_file: j_router = cast(JsonObjectArray, json.load(j_file)) else: with open(j_router, encoding="utf-8") as j_file: j_router = cast(JsonObjectArray, json.load(j_file)) tables = MulticastRoutingTables() for j_table in j_router: x = cast(int, j_table["x"]) y = cast(int, j_table["y"]) table = UnCompressedMulticastRoutingTable(x, y) tables.add_routing_table(table) for j_entry in cast(JsonObjectArray, j_table["entries"]): entry = RoutingEntry( defaultable=cast(bool, j_entry["defaultable"]), spinnaker_route=cast(int, j_entry["spinnaker_route"])) table.add_multicast_routing_entry(MulticastRoutingEntry( cast(int, j_entry["key"]), cast(int, j_entry["mask"]), entry)) return tables