Source code for pacman.model.routing_table_by_partition.multicast_routing_table_by_partition

# Copyright (c) 2015 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from typing import Dict, Iterator, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
from spinn_utilities.typing.coords import XY
from spinn_machine import RoutingEntry
from pacman.model.graphs.application import ApplicationVertex
from pacman.exceptions import PacmanInvalidParameterException
from pacman.model.graphs.machine import MachineVertex
    from pacman.model.graphs import AbstractVertex

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class MulticastRoutingTableByPartition(object):
    A set of multicast routing path objects.

    __slots__ = (
        # dict mapping (x,y) -> dict mapping (source_vertex, partition_id))
        # -> routing table entry
        "_router_to_entries_map", )

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._router_to_entries_map: Dict[XY, Dict[
            Tuple[AbstractVertex, str], RoutingEntry]] = dict()

[docs] def add_path_entry( self, entry: RoutingEntry, router_x: int, router_y: int, source_vertex: AbstractVertex, partition_id: str) -> None: """ Adds a multicast routing path entry. :param RoutingEntry entry: the entry to add :param int router_x: the X coordinate of the router :param int router_y: the Y coordinate of the router :param source_vertex: The source that will send via this entry :type source_vertex: ApplicationVertex or MachineVertex :param str partition_id: The ID of the partition being sent """ # update router_to_entries_map key = (router_x, router_y) entries = self._router_to_entries_map.get(key) if entries is None: entries = dict() self._router_to_entries_map[key] = entries if isinstance(source_vertex, ApplicationVertex): for m_vert in source_vertex.machine_vertices: if (m_vert, partition_id) in entries: raise PacmanInvalidParameterException( "source_vertex", source_vertex, f"Route for Machine vertex {m_vert}, " f"partition {partition_id} already in table") else: assert isinstance(source_vertex, MachineVertex) if (source_vertex.app_vertex, partition_id) in entries: raise PacmanInvalidParameterException( "source_vertex", source_vertex, f"Route for Application vertex {source_vertex.app_vertex}" f" partition {partition_id} already in table") source_key = (source_vertex, partition_id) if source_key not in entries: entries[source_key] = entry else: try: entries[source_key] = entry.merge(entries[source_key]) except PacmanInvalidParameterException as e: log.error( "Error merging entries on %s for %s", key, source_key) raise e
[docs] def get_routers(self) -> Iterator[XY]: """ Get the coordinates of all stored routers. :rtype: iterable(tuple(int, int)) """ return iter(self._router_to_entries_map.keys())
@property def n_routers(self) -> int: """ The number of routers stored. :rtype: int """ return len(self._router_to_entries_map)
[docs] def get_entries_for_router(self, router_x: int, router_y: int) -> Optional[ Dict[Tuple[AbstractVertex, str], RoutingEntry]]: """ Get the set of multicast path entries assigned to this router. :param int router_x: the X coordinate of the router :param int router_y: the Y coordinate of the router :return: all router_path_entries for the router. :rtype: dict(tuple((ApplicationVertex or MachineVertex), str), RoutingEntry) """ key = (router_x, router_y) return self._router_to_entries_map.get(key)
[docs] def get_entry_on_coords_for_edge( self, source_vertex: AbstractVertex, partition_id: str, router_x: int, router_y: int) -> Optional[RoutingEntry]: """ Get an entry from a specific coordinate. :param source_vertex: :type source_vertex: ApplicationVertex or MachineVertex :param str partition_id: :param int router_x: the X coordinate of the router :param int router_y: the Y coordinate of the router :rtype: RoutingEntry or None """ entries = self.get_entries_for_router(router_x, router_y) if entries is None: return None return entries.get((source_vertex, partition_id))