Source code for pacman.model.routing_info.routing_info

# Copyright (c) 2014 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, Iterator, Optional, Iterable, Set, TYPE_CHECKING
from deprecated import deprecated
from pacman.exceptions import PacmanAlreadyExistsException
    from .vertex_routing_info import VertexRoutingInfo
    from pacman.model.graphs import AbstractVertex

class RoutingInfo(object):
    An association of machine vertices to a non-overlapping set of keys
    and masks.
    __slots__ = ("_info", )

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        # Partition information indexed by edge pre-vertex and partition ID
        # name
        self._info: Dict[AbstractVertex,
                         Dict[str, VertexRoutingInfo]] = defaultdict(dict)

[docs] def add_routing_info(self, info: VertexRoutingInfo) -> None: """ Add a routing information item. :param VertexRoutingInfo info: The routing information item to add :raise PacmanAlreadyExistsException: If the partition is already in the set of edges """ if (info.vertex in self._info and info.partition_id in self._info[info.vertex]): raise PacmanAlreadyExistsException( "Routing information", str(info)) self._info[info.vertex][info.partition_id] = info
[docs] @deprecated(reason="This method is unsafe, since it doesn't determine " "whether the info is missing because there is no " "outgoing edge, or if the outgoing edge is in another " "partition and the name is wrong. " "Use a combination of " "get_info_from, " "get_partitions_from, " "has_info_from, " "or get_single_info_from") def get_routing_info_from_pre_vertex( self, vertex: AbstractVertex, partition_id: str) -> Optional[VertexRoutingInfo]: """ Get routing information for a given partition_id from a vertex. :param AbstractVertex vertex: The vertex to search for :param str partition_id: The ID of the partition for which to get the routing information :rtype: VertexRoutingInfo or None """ return self._info[vertex].get(partition_id)
[docs] def get_info_from( self, vertex: AbstractVertex, partition_id: str) -> VertexRoutingInfo: """ Get routing information for a given partition_id from a vertex. :param AbstractVertex vertex: The vertex to search for :param str partition_id: The ID of the partition for which to get the routing information :rtype: VertexRoutingInfo :raise KeyError: If the vertex/partition_id combination is not in the routing information """ return self._info[vertex][partition_id]
[docs] @deprecated(reason="This method is unsafe, since it doesn't determine " "whether the info is missing because there is no " "outgoing edge, or if the outgoing edge is in another " "partition and the name is wrong. " "Use a combination of " "get_key_from, " "get_partitions_from, " "has_info_from, " "or get_single_key_from") def get_first_key_from_pre_vertex( self, vertex: AbstractVertex, partition_id: str) -> Optional[int]: """ Get the first key for the partition starting at a vertex. :param AbstractVertex vertex: The vertex which the partition starts at :param str partition_id: The ID of the partition for which to get the routing information :return: The routing key of the partition :rtype: int or None """ if vertex not in self._info: return None info = self._info[vertex] if partition_id not in info: return None return info[partition_id].key
[docs] def get_key_from( self, vertex: AbstractVertex, partition_id: str) -> int: """ Get the first key for the partition starting at a vertex. :param AbstractVertex vertex: The vertex which the partition starts at :param str partition_id: The ID of the partition for which to get the routing information :return: The routing key of the partition :rtype: int :raise KeyError: If the vertex/partition_id combination is not in the routing information """ return self._info[vertex][partition_id].key
[docs] def get_partitions_from( self, vertex: AbstractVertex) -> Iterable[str]: """ Get the outgoing partitions from a vertex. :param AbstractVertex vertex: The vertex to search for """ return self._info[vertex].keys()
[docs] def has_info_from( self, vertex: AbstractVertex, partition_id: str) -> bool: """ Check if there is routing information for a given vertex. :param AbstractVertex vertex: The vertex to search for :param str partition_id: The ID of the partition for which to get the routing information :rtype: bool """ if vertex not in self._info: return False info = self._info[vertex] return partition_id in info
[docs] def check_info_from( self, vertex: AbstractVertex, allowed_partition_ids: Set[str]) -> None: """ Check that the partition ids for a vertex are in the allowed set. :param AbstractVertex vertex: The vertex to search for :param set[str] allowed_partition_ids: The allowed partition ids :raise KeyError: If the vertex has an unknown partition ID """ if vertex not in self._info: return info = self._info[vertex] for partition_id in info: if partition_id not in allowed_partition_ids: raise KeyError( f"Vertex {vertex} has unknown partition ID {partition_id}")
[docs] def get_single_info_from( self, vertex: AbstractVertex) -> Optional[VertexRoutingInfo]: """ Get routing information for a given vertex. Fails if the vertex has more than one outgoing partition. :param AbstractVertex vertex: The vertex to search for :rtype: VertexRoutingInfo or None :raise KeyError: If the vertex has more than one outgoing partition """ if vertex not in self._info: return None info = self._info[vertex] if len(info) != 1: raise KeyError( f"Vertex {vertex} has more than one outgoing partition") return next(iter(info.values()))
[docs] def get_single_key_from( self, vertex: AbstractVertex) -> Optional[int]: """ Get the first key for the partition starting at a vertex. Fails if the vertex has more than one outgoing partition. :param AbstractVertex vertex: The vertex which the partition starts at :rtype: int or None :raise KeyError: If the vertex has more than one outgoing partition """ info = self.get_single_info_from(vertex) if info is None: return None return info.key
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[VertexRoutingInfo]: """ Gets an iterator for the routing information. :return: a iterator of routing information """ for vertex_info in self._info.values(): for info in vertex_info.values(): yield info def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._info)