Source code for pacman.utilities.utility_calls

# Copyright (c) 2014 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import hashlib
import numpy
import math

[docs]def expand_to_bit_array(value): """ Expand a 32-bit value in to an array of length 32 of uint8 values, each of which is a 1 or 0. :param int value: The value to expand :rtype: ~numpy.ndarray(uint8) """ return numpy.unpackbits( numpy.asarray([value], dtype=">u4").view(dtype="uint8"))
[docs]def compress_from_bit_array(bit_array): """ Compress a bit array of 32 uint8 values, where each is a 1 or 0, into a 32-bit value. :param ~numpy.ndarray(uint8) bit_array: The array to compress :rtype: int """ return numpy.packbits(bit_array).view(dtype=">u4")[0].item()
[docs]def compress_bits_from_bit_array(bit_array, bit_positions): """ Compress specific positions from a bit array of 32 uint8 value, where is a 1 or 0, into a 32-bit value. :param ~numpy.ndarray(uint8) bit_array: The array to extract the value from :param ~numpy.ndarray(int) bit_positions: The positions of the bits to extract, each value being between 0 and 31 :rtype: int """ expanded_value = numpy.zeros(32, dtype="uint8") expanded_value[-len(bit_positions):] = bit_array[bit_positions] return compress_from_bit_array(expanded_value)
[docs]def is_equal_or_None(a, b): """ If a and b are both not `None`, return True if and only if they are equal, otherwise return True. :rtype: bool """ return (a is None or b is None or a == b)
[docs]def is_single(iterable): """ Test if there is exactly one item in the iterable. :rtype: bool """ iterator = iter(iterable) # Test if there is a first item, if not return False if next(iterator, None) is None: return False # Test if there is a second item, if not return True if next(iterator, None) is None: return True # Otherwise return False return False
[docs]def md5(string): """ Get the MD5 hash of the given string, which is UTF-8 encoded. :param str string: :rtype: str """ return hashlib.md5(string.encode()).hexdigest()
[docs]def get_key_ranges(key, mask): """ Get a generator of base_key, n_keys pairs that represent ranges allowed by the mask. :param int key: The base key :param int mask: The mask :rtype: iterable(tuple(int,int)) """ unwrapped_mask = expand_to_bit_array(mask) first_zeros = list() remaining_zeros = list() pos = len(unwrapped_mask) - 1 # Keep the indices of the first set of zeros while pos >= 0 and unwrapped_mask[pos] == 0: first_zeros.append(pos) pos -= 1 # Find all the remaining zeros while pos >= 0: if unwrapped_mask[pos] == 0: remaining_zeros.append(pos) pos -= 1 # Loop over 2^len(remaining_zeros) to produce the base key, # with n_keys being 2^len(first_zeros) n_sets = 2 ** len(remaining_zeros) n_keys = 2 ** len(first_zeros) if not remaining_zeros: yield key, n_keys return unwrapped_key = expand_to_bit_array(key) for value in range(n_sets): generated_key = numpy.copy(unwrapped_key) generated_key[remaining_zeros] = \ expand_to_bit_array(value)[-len(remaining_zeros):] yield compress_from_bit_array(generated_key), n_keys
[docs]def get_n_bits(n_values): """ Determine how many bits are required for the given number of values. :param int n_values: the number of values (starting at 0) :return: the number of bits required to express that many values :rtype: int """ if n_values == 0: return 0 if n_values == 1: return 1 return int(math.ceil(math.log2(n_values)))
[docs]def get_field_based_keys(key, vertex_slice, shift=0): """ Translate a vertex slice with potentially multiple dimensions into a list of keys, one for each atom of the vertex, by putting the values into fields of the keys based on the shape of the slice. :param int key: The base key :param Slice vertex_slice: The slice to translate :param int shift: The left shift to apply to the atom key before adding to the key. Can be used to make space for additional information at the bottom of the key. :rtype: list(int) """ # Find the size of field required for each coordinate, and the shift # required to get to this field position (the first field has a shift # of 0) field_sizes = numpy.array([get_n_bits(n) for n in vertex_slice.shape]) shifts = numpy.concatenate(([0], numpy.cumsum(field_sizes[:-1]))) # Convert each atom into x, y coordinates based on shape # This uses numpy.unravel_index, the result of which needs to be # made into an array (it is a list of tuples) and transposed (it # gives the coordinates separately per axis) coords = numpy.array(numpy.unravel_index( numpy.arange(vertex_slice.n_atoms), vertex_slice.shape, order='F')).T # We now left shift each coordinate into its field and add them up to # get the key keys = numpy.sum(numpy.left_shift(coords, shifts), axis=1) # Do any final shifting as required (zero shift is valid but does nothing) if shift: keys = numpy.left_shift(keys, shift) # The final result is the above with the base key added return keys + key
[docs]def get_field_based_index(base_key, vertex_slice, shift=0): """ Map field based keys back to indices. :param int base_key: The base key :param Slice vertex_slice: The slice to translate :param int shift: The left shift to apply to the atom key before adding to the key. Can be used to make space for additional information at the bottom of the key. :rtype: dict(int,int) """ # Get the field based keys field_based_keys = get_field_based_keys(base_key, vertex_slice, shift) # Inverse the index return { key: i for i, key in enumerate(field_based_keys) }
[docs]def get_n_bits_for_fields(field_sizes): """ Get the number of bits required for the fields in the vertex slice. :param iterable(int) field_sizes: The sizes each of the fields :rtype: int """ field_size = [get_n_bits(n) for n in field_sizes] return sum(field_size)
[docs]def allocator_bits_needed(size): """ Get the bits needed for the routing info allocator. :param int size: The size to calculate the number of bits for :return: the number of bits required for that size :rtype: int """ if size == 0: return 0 return int(math.ceil(math.log2(size)))