pacman.model.graphs package

Module contents

class pacman.model.graphs.AbstractEdge

Bases: object

A directed edge in a graph between two vertices.


The label of the edge.

Return type:str

The vertex at the end of the edge.

Return type:AbstractVertex

The vertex at the start of the edge.

Return type:AbstractVertex
class pacman.model.graphs.AbstractEdgePartition(identifier, allowed_edge_types)

Bases: object

A collection of edges which start at a single vertex which have the same semantics and so can share a single key or block of SDRAM (depending on edge type).

  • identifier (str) – The identifier of the partition
  • allowed_edge_types (type or tuple(type, ..)) – The types of edges allowed
  • label (str) – An optional label of the partition

Add an edge to the edge partition.

Parameters:edge (AbstractEdge) – the edge to add
Raises:PacmanInvalidParameterException – If the edge does not belong in this edge partition

The edges in this edge partition.


The order in which the edges are added is preserved for when they are requested later. If not, please talk to the software team.

Return type:iterable(AbstractEdge)

The identifier of this edge partition.

Return type:str

The number of edges in the edge partition.

Return type:int

The vertices associated with this partition.


Most edge partitions will be AbstractSingleSourcePartition and therefore provide the pre_vertex method.

Return type:iterable(AbstractVertex)
class pacman.model.graphs.AbstractMultiplePartition(pre_vertices, identifier, allowed_edge_types)

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.AbstractEdgePartition

An edge partition that has multiple source vertices.


Add an edge to the edge partition.

Parameters:edge (AbstractEdge) – the edge to add
Raises:PacmanInvalidParameterException – If the edge does not belong in this edge partition

The vertices associated with this partition.


Most edge partitions will be AbstractSingleSourcePartition and therefore provide the pre_vertex method.

Return type:iterable(AbstractVertex)
class pacman.model.graphs.AbstractSingleSourcePartition(pre_vertex, identifier, allowed_edge_types)

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.AbstractEdgePartition

An edge partition that has a single source vertex.


Add an edge to the edge partition.

Parameters:edge (AbstractEdge) – the edge to add
Raises:PacmanInvalidParameterException – If the edge does not belong in this edge partition

The vertex at which all edges in this outgoing edge partition start.

Return type:AbstractVertex

The vertices associated with this partition.


Most edge partitions will be AbstractSingleSourcePartition and therefore provide the pre_vertex method.

Return type:iterable(AbstractVertex)
class pacman.model.graphs.AbstractSupportsSDRAMEdges

Bases: object

Marks a machine vertex that can have SDRAM edges attached to it.


Asks a machine vertex for the SDRAM requirement it needs.

Parameters:sdram_machine_edge (SDRAMMachineEdge) – The SDRAM edge in question
Returns:The size in bytes this vertex needs for the SDRAM edge.
Return type:int (most likely a multiple of 4)
class pacman.model.graphs.AbstractVertex(label=None)

Bases: object

A vertex in a graph.

Parameters:label (str) – The optional name of the vertex

Records that the vertex has been added to a graph.

Raises:PacmanConfigurationException – If there is an attempt to add the same vertex more than once

The x, y and possibly p the vertex must be placed on.

Typically None! Does not have the value of a normal placements.

Used instead of ChipAndCoreConstraint.

Return type:None or ChipAndCore

The current label to the vertex.

This label could change when the vertex is added to the graph.

Return type:str
set_fixed_location(x, y, p=None)[source]

Set the location where the vertex must be placed.


If called, must be called prior to the placement algorithms.

  • x (int) – X coordinate of fixed location
  • y (int) – Y coordinate of fixed location
  • p (int) – Processor ID of fixed location

PacmanConfigurationException – If a fixed location has already been set to a different location.


Changes the label for a vertex not yet added to a graph.

Parameters:label (str) – new value for the label
Raises:PacmanConfigurationException – If there is an attempt to change the label once the vertex has been added to a graph
class pacman.model.graphs.AbstractVirtual

Bases: object

A vertex which exists outside of the machine, allowing a graph to formally participate in I/O.


Everything that is an instance of AbstractVirtual is also an instance of AbstractVertex.


The IP address of the board to which the device is connected, or None for the boot board, or when using linked chip coordinates.

Return type:str or None

Get link data from the machine.

Parameters:machine (Machine) – The machine to get the data from
Return type:AbstractLinkData

Whether this device sends traffic into SpiNNaker.

Return type:bool

The coordinates of the chip to which the device is connected, or None for the boot board, or when using a board address.

Return type:tuple(int, int) or None

Whether this device receives traffic from SpiNNaker.

Return type:bool

Get the keys sent by the device or None if there aren’t any explicitly defined.

Return type:list(BaseKeyAndMask) or None