Source code for pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.algorithm_decorator

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The University of Manchester
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import inspect
    from inspect import getfullargspec
except ImportError:
    # Python 2.7 hack
    from inspect import getargspec as getfullargspec
import logging
import os
import pkgutil
import sys
from threading import RLock
from six import iteritems
from spinn_utilities.ordered_set import OrderedSet
from pacman.exceptions import PacmanConfigurationException
from pacman.executor.algorithm_classes import (
    PythonClassAlgorithm, PythonFunctionAlgorithm)
from .one_of_input import OneOfInput
from .output import Output
from .single_input import SingleInput
from .all_of_input import AllOfInput
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name, deprecated-method

# The dict of algorithm name to algorithm description
_algorithms = dict()

# A lock of the algorithms
_algorithm_lock = RLock()

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AllOf(object): """ Indicates that all of the items specified are required. """ __slots__ = ["_items"] def __init__(self, *items): """ :param items: The items required :type items: str, pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.AllOf, \ pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.OneOf """ self._items = items @property def items(self): """ The items specified """ return self._items @property def real_class(self): """ The AbstractInput class to use for this input """ return AllOfInput
[docs]class OneOf(object): """ Indicates that one of the items specified is required. """ __slots__ = ["_items"] def __init__(self, *items): """ :param items: The items required :type items: str, pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.AllOf, \ pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.OneOf """ self._items = items @property def items(self): """ The items specified """ return self._items @property def real_class(self): """ The AbstractInput class to use for this input """ return OneOfInput
def _decode_inputs(input_defs, inputs): """ Converts the inputs specified to actual input classes :param input_defs: A dict of algorithm parameter name SingleInput :param inputs: A list of inputs to decode :type inputs: list of str, \ :py:class:`pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.OneOf`, \ :py:class:`pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.AllOf` :return: a list of inputs :rtype: \ list(:py:class:`pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.AbstractInput`) """ final_inputs = list() for inp in inputs: if isinstance(inp, str): if inp not in input_defs: # pragma: no cover raise PacmanConfigurationException( "Input {} not found in input_definitions".format(inp)) final_inputs.append(input_defs[inp]) else: final_inputs.append(inp.real_class( _decode_inputs(input_defs, inp.items))) return final_inputs def _decode_algorithm_details( input_definitions, required_inputs, optional_inputs, function, has_self=False): """ Convert the algorithm annotation inputs to input classes :param input_definitions: dict of algorithm parameter name to list of types :param required_inputs: List of required algorithm parameter names :type required_inputs: list(str or \ :py:class:`pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.OneOf` or \ :py:class:`pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.AllOf`) :param optional_inputs: List of optional algorithm parameter names :type optional_inputs: list(str or \ :py:class:`pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.OneOf` or \ :py:class:`pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.AllOf`) :param function: The function to be called by the algorithm :param has_self: True if the self parameter is expected """ function_args = getfullargspec(function) if function_args.defaults is not None: n_defaults = len(function_args.defaults) required_args = OrderedSet( function_args.args[:-n_defaults]) optional_args = OrderedSet( function_args.args[-n_defaults:]) else: required_args = OrderedSet(function_args.args) optional_args = OrderedSet() # Parse the input definitions input_defs = dict() for (input_name, input_types) in iteritems(input_definitions): if (input_name not in required_args and input_name not in optional_args): # pragma: no cover raise PacmanConfigurationException( "No parameter named {} but found one" " in the input_definitions".format(input_name)) if not isinstance(input_types, list): input_types = [input_types] input_defs[input_name] = SingleInput(input_name, input_types) # Check that there is a definition for every required argument for arg in required_args: if arg not in input_defs and (not has_self or arg != "self"): raise PacmanConfigurationException( "No input_definition for the argument {}".format(arg)) # Get the required arguments final_required_inputs = None if required_inputs is None: final_required_inputs = [ input_defs[arg] for arg in required_args if not has_self or arg != "self"] else: final_required_inputs = _decode_inputs(input_defs, required_inputs) # Get the optional arguments final_optional_inputs = None if optional_inputs is None: final_optional_inputs = [ input_defs[arg] for arg in optional_args if (not has_self or arg != "self") and arg in input_defs] else: final_optional_inputs = _decode_inputs(input_defs, optional_inputs) return final_required_inputs, final_optional_inputs
[docs]def algorithm( input_definitions, outputs, algorithm_id=None, required_inputs=None, optional_inputs=None, method=None, required_input_tokens=None, optional_input_tokens=None, generated_output_tokens=None): """ Define an object to be a PACMAN algorithm that can be executed by the \ :py:class:`pacman.executor.pacman_algorithm_executor.PACMANAlgorithmExecutor`. Can be used to decorate either a class or a function (not a method).\ If this decorates a class, the class must be callable (i.e., have a\ __call__ method), or else a method must be specified to call to run\ the algorithm. The inputs and outputs referenced below refer to the parameters of the\ method or function. :param input_definitions:\ dict of algorithm parameter name to list of types, one for each\ required algorithm parameter, and one for each optional parameter\ that is used in this algorithm call :type input_definitions: dict(str, str or list(str)) :param outputs:\ A list of types output from the algorithm that must match the order in\ which they are returned. :type outputs: list(str) :param algorithm_id:\ Optional unique ID of the algorithm; if not specified, the name of the\ class or function is used. :type algorithm_id: str :param required_inputs:\ Optional list of required algorithm parameter names; if not specified\ those parameters which have no default values are used. :type required_inputs: list(str or \ :py:class:`pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.OneOf` or \ :py:class:`pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.AllOf`) :param optional_inputs:\ Optional list of optional algorithm parameter names; if not specified\ those parameters which have default values are used. :type optional_inputs: list(str or \ :py:class:`pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.OneOf` or \ :py:class:`pacman.executor.algorithm_decorators.AllOf`) :param method:\ The optional name of the method to call if decorating a class; if not\ specified, __call__ is used (i.e. it is assumed to be callable). Must\ not be used if decorating a function :param required_input_tokens:\ A list of tokens required to have been generated before this algorithm\ runs :param optional_input_tokens:\ A list of tokens that if generated by any algorithm, must have been\ generated before this algorithm runs :param generated_output_tokens:\ A list of tokens generated by running this algorithm """ def wrap(algorithm): # Get the algorithm ID algo_id = algorithm_id or algorithm.__name__ if algo_id in _algorithms: raise PacmanConfigurationException( "Multiple algorithms with ID {} found: {} and {}".format( algo_id, algorithm, _algorithms[algo_id])) # Get the details of the method or function if inspect.isclass(algorithm): if hasattr(algorithm, "__init__"): init = getattr(algorithm, "__init__") try: init_args = getfullargspec(init) n_init_defaults = 0 if init_args.defaults is not None: n_init_defaults = len(init_args.defaults) if len(init_args.args) - n_init_defaults != 1: raise PacmanConfigurationException( "Algorithm class initialiser cannot take" " arguments") except TypeError: # Occurs if no __init__ is defined in class pass function_name = method if method is None: function_name = "__call__" function = getattr(algorithm, function_name) is_class_method = True algorithm_class = algorithm.__name__ module = algorithm.__module__ elif inspect.isfunction(algorithm): if method is not None: # pragma: no cover raise PacmanConfigurationException( "Cannot specify a method when decorating a function") function = algorithm function_name = algorithm.__name__ algorithm_class = None is_class_method = False module = algorithm.__module__ else: # pragma: no cover raise PacmanConfigurationException( "Decorating an unknown object type") # Get the inputs _inputs, _options = _decode_algorithm_details( input_definitions, required_inputs, optional_inputs, function, has_self=is_class_method) # Get the outputs # TODO: Support file name type outputs - is there a use case? Note # that python algorithms can output the actual file name in the # variable _outputs = [Output(output_type) for output_type in outputs] # _in_toks = required_input_tokens or [] _opt_toks = optional_input_tokens or [] _out_toks = generated_output_tokens or [] # Add the algorithm if is_class_method: with _algorithm_lock: _algorithms[algo_id] = PythonClassAlgorithm( algo_id, _inputs, _options, _outputs, _in_toks, _opt_toks, _out_toks, module, algorithm_class, function_name) else: with _algorithm_lock: _algorithms[algo_id] = PythonFunctionAlgorithm( algo_id, _inputs, _options, _outputs, _in_toks, _opt_toks, _out_toks, module, function_name) return algorithm return wrap
[docs]def algorithms(algorithms): """ Specify multiple algorithms for a single class or function :param algorithms: A list of algorithm definitions """ def wrap(alg): for alg_def in algorithms: alg_def(alg) return alg return wrap
[docs]def reset_algorithms(): """ Reset the known algorithms """ global _algorithms with _algorithm_lock: _algorithms = dict()
[docs]def get_algorithms(): """ Get the dict of known algorithm ID -> algorithm data """ return _algorithms
[docs]def scan_packages(packages, recursive=True): """ Scan packages for algorithms :param packages:\ The names of the packages to scan (using dotted notation),\ or the actual package modules :param recursive: True if sub-packages should be examined :return: A dict of algorithm name -> algorithm data """ global _algorithms # pylint: disable=broad-except with _algorithm_lock: current_algorithms = _algorithms _algorithms = dict() # Go through the packages for package_name in packages: # Import the package package = package_name if isinstance(package_name, str): try: __import__(package_name) package = sys.modules[package_name] except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover logger.warning("Failed to import %s : %s", package_name, str(ex)) continue pkg_path = os.path.dirname(package.__file__) # Go through the modules and import them for _, name, is_pkg in pkgutil.iter_modules([pkg_path]): # If recursive and this is a package, recurse module = package.__name__ + "." + name if is_pkg and recursive: scan_packages([module], recursive) else: try: __import__(module) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover logger.warning("Failed to import %s : %s", module, str(ex)) continue new_algorithms = _algorithms _algorithms = current_algorithms return new_algorithms