pacman.model.graphs.application package


pacman.model.graphs.application.application_edge module

class pacman.model.graphs.application.application_edge.ApplicationEdge(pre_vertex, post_vertex, traffic_type=<EdgeTrafficType.MULTICAST: 1>, label=None, machine_edge_type=<class 'pacman.model.graphs.machine.machine_edge.MachineEdge'>)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.abstract_edge.AbstractEdge

A simple implementation of an application edge.

create_machine_edge(pre_vertex, post_vertex, label)[source]

Create a machine edge between two machine vertices


The created machine edge

Return type:



The label of the edge

Returns:The label
Return type:str
Raises:None – Raises no known exceptions

The vertex at the end of the edge

Return type:pacman.model.graphs.abstract_vertex.AbstractVertex

The vertex at the start of the edge

Return type:pacman.model.graphs.abstract_vertex.AbstractVertex

The traffic type of the edge

Return type:pacman.model.graphs.common.edge_traffic_type.EdgeTrafficType

pacman.model.graphs.application.application_fpga_vertex module

class pacman.model.graphs.application.application_fpga_vertex.ApplicationFPGAVertex(n_atoms, fpga_id, fpga_link_id, board_address=None, label=None, constraints=None, max_atoms_per_core=9223372036854775807)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.application.application_vertex.ApplicationVertex, pacman.model.graphs.abstract_fpga_vertex.AbstractFPGAVertex

A virtual vertex on an FPGA link.


The IP address of the board to which the device is connected, or None for the boot board.

Return type:str
create_machine_vertex(vertex_slice, resources_required, label=None, constraints=None)[source]

Create a machine vertex from this application vertex

  • vertex_slice – The slice of atoms that the machine vertex will cover
  • resources_required – the resources used by the machine vertex
  • label – human readable label for the machine vertex
  • constraints – Constraints to be passed on to the machine vertex

The ID of the FPGA to which the vertex is connected.

Return type:int

The link of the FPGA to which the vertex is connected.

Return type:int

Get the separate resource requirements for a range of atoms

Parameters:vertex_slice (pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice) – the low value of atoms to calculate resources from
Returns:a Resource container that contains a CPUCyclesPerTickResource, DTCMResource and SDRAMResource
Return type:pacman.model.resources.ResourceContainer
Raises:None – this method does not raise any known exception

The number of atoms in the vertex

Returns:The number of atoms
Return type:int
set_virtual_chip_coordinates(virtual_chip_x, virtual_chip_y)[source]

Set the details of the virtual chip that has been added to the machine for this vertex.

  • virtual_chip_x – The x-coordinate of the added chip
  • virtual_chip_y – The y-coordinate of the added chip

The x-coordinate of the virtual chip where this vertex is to be placed.

Return type:int

The y-coordinate of the virtual chip where this vertex is to be placed.

Return type:int

pacman.model.graphs.application.application_graph module

class pacman.model.graphs.application.application_graph.ApplicationGraph(label)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.impl.graph.Graph

An application-level abstraction of a graph.

pacman.model.graphs.application.application_outgoing_edge_partition module

class pacman.model.graphs.application.application_outgoing_edge_partition.ApplicationOutgoingEdgePartition(identifier, constraints=None, label=None)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.impl.outgoing_edge_partition.OutgoingEdgePartition

Edge partition for the application graph.

pacman.model.graphs.application.application_vertex module

class pacman.model.graphs.application.application_vertex.ApplicationVertex(label=None, constraints=None, max_atoms_per_core=9223372036854775807)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.common.constrained_object.ConstrainedObject, pacman.model.graphs.abstract_vertex.AbstractVertex

A vertex that can be broken down into a number of smaller vertices based on the resources that the vertex requires.

  • label (str) – The optional name of the vertex
  • constraints (iterable(pacman.model.constraints.AbstractConstraint)) – The optional initial constraints of the vertex
  • max_atoms_per_core (int) – the max number of atoms that can be placed on a core, used in partitioning


  • If one of the constraints is not valid

create_machine_vertex(vertex_slice, resources_required, label=None, constraints=None)[source]

Create a machine vertex from this application vertex

  • vertex_slice – The slice of atoms that the machine vertex will cover
  • resources_required – the resources used by the machine vertex
  • label – human readable label for the machine vertex
  • constraints – Constraints to be passed on to the machine vertex

Get the separate resource requirements for a range of atoms

Parameters:vertex_slice (pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice) – the low value of atoms to calculate resources from
Returns:a Resource container that contains a CPUCyclesPerTickResource, DTCMResource and SDRAMResource
Return type:pacman.model.resources.ResourceContainer
Raises:None – this method does not raise any known exception

The label of the vertex.

Return type:str

The number of atoms in the vertex

Returns:The number of atoms
Return type:int

Module contents

class pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationEdge(pre_vertex, post_vertex, traffic_type=<EdgeTrafficType.MULTICAST: 1>, label=None, machine_edge_type=<class 'pacman.model.graphs.machine.machine_edge.MachineEdge'>)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.abstract_edge.AbstractEdge

A simple implementation of an application edge.

create_machine_edge(pre_vertex, post_vertex, label)[source]

Create a machine edge between two machine vertices


The created machine edge

Return type:



The label of the edge

Returns:The label
Return type:str
Raises:None – Raises no known exceptions

The vertex at the end of the edge

Return type:pacman.model.graphs.abstract_vertex.AbstractVertex

The vertex at the start of the edge

Return type:pacman.model.graphs.abstract_vertex.AbstractVertex

The traffic type of the edge

Return type:pacman.model.graphs.common.edge_traffic_type.EdgeTrafficType
class pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationFPGAVertex(n_atoms, fpga_id, fpga_link_id, board_address=None, label=None, constraints=None, max_atoms_per_core=9223372036854775807)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.application.application_vertex.ApplicationVertex, pacman.model.graphs.abstract_fpga_vertex.AbstractFPGAVertex

A virtual vertex on an FPGA link.


The IP address of the board to which the device is connected, or None for the boot board.

Return type:str
create_machine_vertex(vertex_slice, resources_required, label=None, constraints=None)[source]

Create a machine vertex from this application vertex

  • vertex_slice – The slice of atoms that the machine vertex will cover
  • resources_required – the resources used by the machine vertex
  • label – human readable label for the machine vertex
  • constraints – Constraints to be passed on to the machine vertex

The ID of the FPGA to which the vertex is connected.

Return type:int

The link of the FPGA to which the vertex is connected.

Return type:int

Get the separate resource requirements for a range of atoms

Parameters:vertex_slice (pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice) – the low value of atoms to calculate resources from
Returns:a Resource container that contains a CPUCyclesPerTickResource, DTCMResource and SDRAMResource
Return type:pacman.model.resources.ResourceContainer
Raises:None – this method does not raise any known exception

The number of atoms in the vertex

Returns:The number of atoms
Return type:int
set_virtual_chip_coordinates(virtual_chip_x, virtual_chip_y)[source]

Set the details of the virtual chip that has been added to the machine for this vertex.

  • virtual_chip_x – The x-coordinate of the added chip
  • virtual_chip_y – The y-coordinate of the added chip

The x-coordinate of the virtual chip where this vertex is to be placed.

Return type:int

The y-coordinate of the virtual chip where this vertex is to be placed.

Return type:int
class pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationGraph(label)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.impl.graph.Graph

An application-level abstraction of a graph.

class pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationOutgoingEdgePartition(identifier, constraints=None, label=None)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.impl.outgoing_edge_partition.OutgoingEdgePartition

Edge partition for the application graph.

class pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationVertex(label=None, constraints=None, max_atoms_per_core=9223372036854775807)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.common.constrained_object.ConstrainedObject, pacman.model.graphs.abstract_vertex.AbstractVertex

A vertex that can be broken down into a number of smaller vertices based on the resources that the vertex requires.

  • label (str) – The optional name of the vertex
  • constraints (iterable(pacman.model.constraints.AbstractConstraint)) – The optional initial constraints of the vertex
  • max_atoms_per_core (int) – the max number of atoms that can be placed on a core, used in partitioning


  • If one of the constraints is not valid

create_machine_vertex(vertex_slice, resources_required, label=None, constraints=None)[source]

Create a machine vertex from this application vertex

  • vertex_slice – The slice of atoms that the machine vertex will cover
  • resources_required – the resources used by the machine vertex
  • label – human readable label for the machine vertex
  • constraints – Constraints to be passed on to the machine vertex

Get the separate resource requirements for a range of atoms

Parameters:vertex_slice (pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice) – the low value of atoms to calculate resources from
Returns:a Resource container that contains a CPUCyclesPerTickResource, DTCMResource and SDRAMResource
Return type:pacman.model.resources.ResourceContainer
Raises:None – this method does not raise any known exception

The label of the vertex.

Return type:str

The number of atoms in the vertex

Returns:The number of atoms
Return type:int
class pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationSpiNNakerLinkVertex(n_atoms, spinnaker_link_id, board_address=None, label=None, constraints=None, max_atoms_per_core=9223372036854775807)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.application.application_vertex.ApplicationVertex, pacman.model.graphs.abstract_spinnaker_link_vertex.AbstractSpiNNakerLinkVertex

A virtual vertex on a SpiNNaker Link.


The IP address of the board to which the device is connected, or None for the boot board.

Return type:str
create_machine_vertex(vertex_slice, resources_required, label=None, constraints=None)[source]

Create a machine vertex from this application vertex

  • vertex_slice – The slice of atoms that the machine vertex will cover
  • resources_required – the resources used by the machine vertex
  • label – human readable label for the machine vertex
  • constraints – Constraints to be passed on to the machine vertex

Get the separate resource requirements for a range of atoms

Parameters:vertex_slice (pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice) – the low value of atoms to calculate resources from
Returns:a Resource container that contains a CPUCyclesPerTickResource, DTCMResource and SDRAMResource
Return type:pacman.model.resources.ResourceContainer
Raises:None – this method does not raise any known exception

The number of atoms in the vertex

Returns:The number of atoms
Return type:int
set_virtual_chip_coordinates(virtual_chip_x, virtual_chip_y)[source]

Set the details of the virtual chip that has been added to the machine for this vertex.

  • virtual_chip_x – The x-coordinate of the added chip
  • virtual_chip_y – The y-coordinate of the added chip

The SpiNNaker Link that the vertex is connected to.


The x-coordinate of the virtual chip where this vertex is to be placed.

Return type:int

The y-coordinate of the virtual chip where this vertex is to be placed.

Return type:int