Source code for pacman.executor.injection_decorator

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The University of Manchester
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

    from import defaultdict
except ImportError:
    from collections import defaultdict
    from inspect import getfullargspec
except ImportError:
    # Python 2.7 hack
    from inspect import getargspec as getfullargspec
from functools import wraps
from six import iteritems, itervalues

_instances = list()
_methods = defaultdict(dict)
_injectables = None

[docs]class InjectionException(Exception): """ Raised when there is an error with injection. """
[docs]def supports_injection(injectable_class): """ Indicate that the class has methods on which objects can be injected. """ orig_init = injectable_class.__init__ def new_init(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=protected-access orig_init(self, *args, **kwargs) for method in itervalues(injectable_class.__dict__): if hasattr(method, "_type_to_inject"): _methods[injectable_class][method._type_to_inject] = method _instances.append(self) injectable_class.__init__ = new_init return injectable_class
[docs]def inject(type_to_inject): """ Marks a method as something to be called to inject an object of the\ given type. The type is just a name for the type, and should match up\ at some point with some generated data. :param type_to_inject: The type to be injected using this method """ def wrap(method): # pylint: disable=protected-access @wraps(method) def wrapper(obj, arg): method(obj, arg) if arg is not None: wrapper._called = True wrapper._type_to_inject = type_to_inject wrapper._called = False return wrapper return wrap
[docs]def requires_injection(types_required): """ Indicates that injection of the given types is required before this\ method is called; an Exception is raised if the types have not been\ injected. :param types_required: A list of types that must have been injected :type types_required: list(str) """ def wrap(wrapped_method): @wraps(wrapped_method) def wrapper(obj, *args, **kwargs): methods = dict() for cls in obj.__class__.__mro__: cls_methods = _methods.get(cls, {}) methods.update(cls_methods) for object_type in types_required: method = methods.get(object_type, None) if method is None: raise InjectionException( "No injector for type {} for object {}" .format(object_type, obj)) if not method._called: raise InjectionException( "Type {} has not been injected for object {}" .format(object_type, obj)) return wrapped_method(obj, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper return wrap
[docs]def inject_items(types): """ Indicates values that need to be injected into the method :param types: A dict of method argument name to type name to be injected """ def wrap(wrapped_method): exn_arg = None method_args = getfullargspec(wrapped_method) for type_arg in types: if type_arg not in method_args.args: # Can't raise exception until run time exn_arg = type_arg break @wraps(wrapped_method) def wrapper(obj, *args, **kwargs): if exn_arg is not None: raise InjectionException( "Argument {} does not exist for method {} of {}".format( exn_arg, wrapped_method.__name__, obj.__class__)) if _injectables is None: raise InjectionException( "No injectable objects have been provided") new_args = dict(kwargs) for arg, arg_type in iteritems(types): if arg_type not in _injectables: raise InjectionException( "Cannot find object of type {} to inject into" " method {} of {}".format( arg_type, wrapped_method.__name__, obj.__class__)) if arg in new_args: raise InjectionException( "Argument {} was already provided to" " method {} of {}".format( arg, wrapped_method.__name__, obj.__class__)) new_args[arg] = _injectables[arg_type] return wrapped_method(obj, *args, **new_args) return wrapper return wrap
[docs]def provide_injectables(injectables): """ Set the objects from which values should be injected into methods :param injectables: A dict of type to value """ global _injectables if _injectables is not None: raise InjectionException("Injectables have already been defined") _injectables = injectables
[docs]def clear_injectables(): """ Clear the current set of injectables """ global _injectables _injectables = None
class _DictFacade(dict): """ Provides a dict of dict overlay so that container-ship is True if any\ one of the dict objects contains the items and the item is returned\ from the first dict. """ def __init__(self, dicts): """ :param dicts: An iterable of dict objects to be used """ self._dicts = dicts def get(self, key, default=None): for d in self._dicts: if key in d: return d[key] return default def __getitem__(self, key): for d in self._dicts: try: return d.__getitem__(key) except KeyError: pass raise KeyError(key) def __contains__(self, item): return any(item in d for d in self._dicts)
[docs]class injection_context(object): """ Provides a context for injection to use with `with`. """ def __init__(self, injection_dictionary): """ :param injection_dictionary:\ The dictionary of items to inject whilst in the context """ self._old = None self._mine = injection_dictionary def __enter__(self): global _injectables dicts = [self._mine] if _injectables is not None: dicts.append(_injectables) self._old = _injectables _injectables = _DictFacade(dicts) def __exit__(self, a, b, c): global _injectables _injectables = self._old return False
[docs]def do_injection(objects_to_inject, objects_to_inject_into=None): """ Perform the actual injection of objects. :param objects_to_inject:\ The objects to be injected as a dict of type name -> object of type :type objects_to_inject: dict(str)->object :param objects_to_inject_into: \ The objects whose classes support_injection, or None to use all\ instances that have been created :type objects_to_inject_into: list """ if objects_to_inject is None: return injectees = objects_to_inject_into if objects_to_inject_into is None: injectees = _instances for obj in injectees: methods = dict() for cls in obj.__class__.__mro__: cls_methods = _methods.get(cls, {}) methods.update(cls_methods) if methods is not None: for object_type, object_to_inject in iteritems(objects_to_inject): method = methods.get(object_type, None) if method is not None: method(obj, object_to_inject)