pacman.utilities.utility_objs package


pacman.utilities.utility_objs.field module

class pacman.utilities.utility_objs.field.Field(lo, hi, value, tag=<SUPPORTED_TAGS.ROUTING: 1>, name=None)[source]

Bases: object

Field object used in a field constraint for key allocation


pacman.utilities.utility_objs.flexi_field module

class pacman.utilities.utility_objs.flexi_field.FlexiField(flexi_field_name, value=None, instance_n_keys=None, tag=None, nested_level=0)[source]

Bases: object

field who’s location is not fixed in key allocation


The name for this Flexible field

class pacman.utilities.utility_objs.flexi_field.SUPPORTED_TAGS

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.


pacman.utilities.utility_objs.resource_tracker module

class pacman.utilities.utility_objs.resource_tracker.ResourceTracker(machine, chips=None, preallocated_resources=None)[source]

Bases: object

Tracks the usage of resources of a machine

  • machine (spinn_machine.Machine) – The machine to track the usage of
  • chips (iterable of (int, int) tuples of coordinates of chips) – If specified, this list of chips will be used instead of the list from the machine. Note that the order will be maintained, so this can be used either to reduce the set of chips used, or to re-order the chips. Note also that on deallocation, the order is no longer guaranteed.
allocate_constrained_group_resources(resource_and_constraint_list, chips=None)[source]

Allocates a group of cores on the same chip for these resources

  • resource_and_constraint_list – A list of tuples of (resources, list of constraints) to allocate
  • chips – a list of chips that can be used

list of The x and y coordinates of the used chip, the processor_id, and the ip tag and reverse ip tag allocation tuples

Return type:

iterable of (int, int, int, list((int, int)), list((int, int)))

allocate_constrained_resources(resources, constraints, chips=None)[source]

Attempts to use the given resources of the machine, constrained by the given placement constraints.


The x and y coordinates of the used chip, the processor_id, and the ip tag and reverse ip tag allocation tuples

Return type:

(int, int, int, list((int, int)), list((int, int)))


PacmanValueError – If the constraints cannot be met given the current allocation of resources

allocate_group_resources(group_resources, chips=None, processor_ids=None, board_address=None, group_ip_tags=None, group_reverse_ip_tags=None)[source]

Attempts to use the given group of resources on a single chip of the machine. Can be given specific place to use the resources, or else it will allocate them on the first place that the resources of the group fit together.

  • group_resources (list of pacman.model.resources.ResourceContainer) – The resources to be allocated
  • chips (iterable of (int, int)) – An iterable of (x, y) tuples of chips that are to be used
  • processor_ids (list of (int or None)) – The specific processor to use on any chip for each resource of the group
  • board_address (str) – the board address to allocate resources of a chip
  • group_ip_tags (list of lists of pacman.model.resources.IptagResource) – list of lists of ip tag resources
  • group_reverse_ip_tags (list of lists of pacman.model.resources.ReverseIptagResource) – list of lists of reverse ip tag resources

An iterable of tuples of the x and y coordinates of the used chip, the processor_id, and the ip tag and reverse ip tag allocation tuples

Return type:

iterable of (int, int, int, list((int, int)), list((int, int)))

allocate_resources(resources, chips=None, processor_id=None, board_address=None, ip_tags=None, reverse_ip_tags=None)[source]

Attempts to use the given resources of the machine. Can be given specific place to use the resources, or else it will allocate them on the first place that the resources fit.

  • resources (pacman.model.resources.ResourceContainer) – The resources to be allocated
  • chips (iterable of (int, int)) – An iterable of (x, y) tuples of chips that are to be used
  • processor_id (int) – The specific processor to use on any chip.
  • board_address (str) – the board address to allocate resources of a chip
  • ip_tags (iterable of pacman.model.resources.IptagResource) – iterable of ip tag resources
  • reverse_ip_tags (iterable of pacman.model.resources.ReverseIPtagResource) – iterable of reverse ip tag resources

The x and y coordinates of the used chip, the processor_id, and the ip tag and reverse ip tag allocation tuples

Return type:

(int, int, int, list((int, int, int, int)), list((int, int)))

static check_constraints(vertices, additional_placement_constraints=None)[source]

Check that the constraints on the given vertices are supported by the resource tracker

  • vertices – The vertices to check the constraints of
  • additional_placement_constraints – Additional placement constraints supported by the algorithm doing this check

The chips currently available


deduce the number of chips used in this allocation

Returns:the number of chips used during the allocation.
static get_chip_and_core(constraints, chips=None)[source]

Get an assigned chip and core from a set of constraints

  • constraints (iterable of pacman.model.constraints.AbstractConstraint) – The set of constraints to get the values from. Note that any type of constraint can be in the list but only those relevant will be used
  • chips (iterable of (int, int)) – Optional list of tuples of (x, y) coordinates of chips, restricting the allowed chips

tuple of a chip x and y coordinates, and processor id, any of which might be None

Return type:

(tuple of (int, int, int)

static get_ip_tag_info(resources, constraints)[source]

Get the ip tag resource information


A tuple of board address, iterable of ip tag resources and iterable of reverse ip tag resources

Return type:

(str, iterable of pacman.model.resources.IptagResource, iterable of pacman.model.resources.ReverseIPtabResource)

get_maximum_constrained_resources_available(resources, constraints, chips=None)[source]

Get the maximum resources available given the constraints

get_maximum_resources_available(chips=None, processor_id=None, board_address=None, ip_tags=None, reverse_ip_tags=None)[source]

Get the maximum resources available

  • chips (iterable of (int, int)) – An iterable of (x, y) tuples of chips that are to be used
  • processor_id (int) – the processor id
  • board_address (str) – the board address for locating max resources from
  • ip_tags (iterable of pacman.model.resources.IptagResource) – iterable of ip tag resources
  • reverse_ip_tags (iterable of pacman.model.resources.ReverseIptagResource) – iterable of reverse ip tag resources

a resource which shows max resources available

Return type:


is_chip_available(chip_x, chip_y)[source]

Check if a given chip is available

  • chip_x (int) – the x coord of the chip
  • chip_y (int) – the y coord of the chip

True if the chip is available, False otherwise

Return type:



The chip coordinates assigned

sdram_avilable_on_chip(chip_x, chip_y)[source]

Get the available SDRAM on the chip at coordinates chip_x, chip_y

  • chip_x – x coord of the chip in question
  • chip_y – y coord of the chip in question

the SDRAM remaining

unallocate_resources(chip_x, chip_y, processor_id, resources, ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags)[source]

Undo the allocation of resources

  • chip_x (int) – the x coord of the chip allocated
  • chip_y (int) – the y coord of the chip allocated
  • processor_id (int) – the processor id
  • resources (pacman.model.resources.ResourceContainer) – The resources to be unallocated
  • ip_tags (iterable of (str, int) or None) – the details of the ip tags allocated
  • reverse_ip_tags (iterable of (str, int) or None) – the details of the reverse ip tags allocated
Return type:


Module contents

class pacman.utilities.utility_objs.Field(lo, hi, value, tag=<SUPPORTED_TAGS.ROUTING: 1>, name=None)[source]

Bases: object

Field object used in a field constraint for key allocation

class pacman.utilities.utility_objs.FlexiField(flexi_field_name, value=None, instance_n_keys=None, tag=None, nested_level=0)[source]

Bases: object

field who’s location is not fixed in key allocation


The name for this Flexible field

class pacman.utilities.utility_objs.ResourceTracker(machine, chips=None, preallocated_resources=None)[source]

Bases: object

Tracks the usage of resources of a machine

  • machine (spinn_machine.Machine) – The machine to track the usage of
  • chips (iterable of (int, int) tuples of coordinates of chips) – If specified, this list of chips will be used instead of the list from the machine. Note that the order will be maintained, so this can be used either to reduce the set of chips used, or to re-order the chips. Note also that on deallocation, the order is no longer guaranteed.
allocate_constrained_group_resources(resource_and_constraint_list, chips=None)[source]

Allocates a group of cores on the same chip for these resources

  • resource_and_constraint_list – A list of tuples of (resources, list of constraints) to allocate
  • chips – a list of chips that can be used

list of The x and y coordinates of the used chip, the processor_id, and the ip tag and reverse ip tag allocation tuples

Return type:

iterable of (int, int, int, list((int, int)), list((int, int)))

allocate_constrained_resources(resources, constraints, chips=None)[source]

Attempts to use the given resources of the machine, constrained by the given placement constraints.


The x and y coordinates of the used chip, the processor_id, and the ip tag and reverse ip tag allocation tuples

Return type:

(int, int, int, list((int, int)), list((int, int)))


PacmanValueError – If the constraints cannot be met given the current allocation of resources

allocate_group_resources(group_resources, chips=None, processor_ids=None, board_address=None, group_ip_tags=None, group_reverse_ip_tags=None)[source]

Attempts to use the given group of resources on a single chip of the machine. Can be given specific place to use the resources, or else it will allocate them on the first place that the resources of the group fit together.

  • group_resources (list of pacman.model.resources.ResourceContainer) – The resources to be allocated
  • chips (iterable of (int, int)) – An iterable of (x, y) tuples of chips that are to be used
  • processor_ids (list of (int or None)) – The specific processor to use on any chip for each resource of the group
  • board_address (str) – the board address to allocate resources of a chip
  • group_ip_tags (list of lists of pacman.model.resources.IptagResource) – list of lists of ip tag resources
  • group_reverse_ip_tags (list of lists of pacman.model.resources.ReverseIptagResource) – list of lists of reverse ip tag resources

An iterable of tuples of the x and y coordinates of the used chip, the processor_id, and the ip tag and reverse ip tag allocation tuples

Return type:

iterable of (int, int, int, list((int, int)), list((int, int)))

allocate_resources(resources, chips=None, processor_id=None, board_address=None, ip_tags=None, reverse_ip_tags=None)[source]

Attempts to use the given resources of the machine. Can be given specific place to use the resources, or else it will allocate them on the first place that the resources fit.

  • resources (pacman.model.resources.ResourceContainer) – The resources to be allocated
  • chips (iterable of (int, int)) – An iterable of (x, y) tuples of chips that are to be used
  • processor_id (int) – The specific processor to use on any chip.
  • board_address (str) – the board address to allocate resources of a chip
  • ip_tags (iterable of pacman.model.resources.IptagResource) – iterable of ip tag resources
  • reverse_ip_tags (iterable of pacman.model.resources.ReverseIPtagResource) – iterable of reverse ip tag resources

The x and y coordinates of the used chip, the processor_id, and the ip tag and reverse ip tag allocation tuples

Return type:

(int, int, int, list((int, int, int, int)), list((int, int)))

static check_constraints(vertices, additional_placement_constraints=None)[source]

Check that the constraints on the given vertices are supported by the resource tracker

  • vertices – The vertices to check the constraints of
  • additional_placement_constraints – Additional placement constraints supported by the algorithm doing this check

The chips currently available


deduce the number of chips used in this allocation

Returns:the number of chips used during the allocation.
static get_chip_and_core(constraints, chips=None)[source]

Get an assigned chip and core from a set of constraints

  • constraints (iterable of pacman.model.constraints.AbstractConstraint) – The set of constraints to get the values from. Note that any type of constraint can be in the list but only those relevant will be used
  • chips (iterable of (int, int)) – Optional list of tuples of (x, y) coordinates of chips, restricting the allowed chips

tuple of a chip x and y coordinates, and processor id, any of which might be None

Return type:

(tuple of (int, int, int)

static get_ip_tag_info(resources, constraints)[source]

Get the ip tag resource information


A tuple of board address, iterable of ip tag resources and iterable of reverse ip tag resources

Return type:

(str, iterable of pacman.model.resources.IptagResource, iterable of pacman.model.resources.ReverseIPtabResource)

get_maximum_constrained_resources_available(resources, constraints, chips=None)[source]

Get the maximum resources available given the constraints

get_maximum_resources_available(chips=None, processor_id=None, board_address=None, ip_tags=None, reverse_ip_tags=None)[source]

Get the maximum resources available

  • chips (iterable of (int, int)) – An iterable of (x, y) tuples of chips that are to be used
  • processor_id (int) – the processor id
  • board_address (str) – the board address for locating max resources from
  • ip_tags (iterable of pacman.model.resources.IptagResource) – iterable of ip tag resources
  • reverse_ip_tags (iterable of pacman.model.resources.ReverseIptagResource) – iterable of reverse ip tag resources

a resource which shows max resources available

Return type:


is_chip_available(chip_x, chip_y)[source]

Check if a given chip is available

  • chip_x (int) – the x coord of the chip
  • chip_y (int) – the y coord of the chip

True if the chip is available, False otherwise

Return type:



The chip coordinates assigned

sdram_avilable_on_chip(chip_x, chip_y)[source]

Get the available SDRAM on the chip at coordinates chip_x, chip_y

  • chip_x – x coord of the chip in question
  • chip_y – y coord of the chip in question

the SDRAM remaining

unallocate_resources(chip_x, chip_y, processor_id, resources, ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags)[source]

Undo the allocation of resources

  • chip_x (int) – the x coord of the chip allocated
  • chip_y (int) – the y coord of the chip allocated
  • processor_id (int) – the processor id
  • resources (pacman.model.resources.ResourceContainer) – The resources to be unallocated
  • ip_tags (iterable of (str, int) or None) – the details of the ip tags allocated
  • reverse_ip_tags (iterable of (str, int) or None) – the details of the reverse ip tags allocated
Return type:
