pacman.model.decorators package


pacman.model.decorators.overrides module

class pacman.model.decorators.overrides.overrides(super_class_method, extend_doc=True, additional_arguments=None)[source]

Bases: object

A decorator for indicating that a method overrides another method in a super class. This checks that the method does actually exist, copies the doc-string for the method, and enforces that the method overridden is specified, making maintenance easier.

  • super_class_method – The method to override in the superclass
  • extend_doc – True the method doc string should be appended to the super-method doc string, False if the documentation should be set to the super-method doc string only if there isn’t a doc string already
  • additional_arguments – Additional arguments taken by the subclass method over the superclass method e.g. that are to be injected

Module contents

class pacman.model.decorators.overrides(super_class_method, extend_doc=True, additional_arguments=None)[source]

Bases: object

A decorator for indicating that a method overrides another method in a super class. This checks that the method does actually exist, copies the doc-string for the method, and enforces that the method overridden is specified, making maintenance easier.

  • super_class_method – The method to override in the superclass
  • extend_doc – True the method doc string should be appended to the super-method doc string, False if the documentation should be set to the super-method doc string only if there isn’t a doc string already
  • additional_arguments – Additional arguments taken by the subclass method over the superclass method e.g. that are to be injected