Source code for pacman.utilities.utility_calls

from pacman.exceptions import PacmanInvalidParameterException
from pacman.exceptions import PacmanValueError

import numpy

[docs]def locate_constraints_of_type(constraints, constraint_type): """ Locates all constraints of a given type out of a list :param constraints: The constraints to filter :type constraints: iterable of\ :py:class:`pacman.model.constraints.AbstractConstraint` :param constraint_type: The type of constraints to return :type constraint_type:\ :py:class:`pacman.model.constraints.partitioner_constraints.AbstractPartitionConstraint` :return: The constraints of constraint_type that are\ found in the constraints given :rtype: iterable of\ :py:class:`pacman.model.constraints.AbstractConstraint` :raises None: no known exceptions """ passed_constraints = list() for constraint in constraints: if isinstance(constraint, constraint_type): passed_constraints.append(constraint) return passed_constraints
[docs]def locate_first_constraint_of_type(constraints, constraint_type): """ Locates the first constraint of a given type out of a list :param constraints: The constraints to select from :type constraints: iterable of\ :py:class:`pacman.model.constraints.AbstractConstraint` :param constraint_type: The type of constraints to return :type constraint_type:\ :py:class:`pacman.model.constraints.partitioner_constraints.AbstractPartitionConstraint` :return: The first constraint of constraint_type that was\ found in the constraints given :rtype:\ :py:class:`pacman.model.constraints.AbstractConstraint` :raises pacman.exceptions.PacmanInvalidParameterException: if no such\ constraint is present """ for constraint in constraints: if isinstance(constraint, constraint_type): return constraint raise PacmanInvalidParameterException( "constraints", constraint.__class__, "Constraints of this class are not present")
def _is_constraint_supported(constraint, supported_constraints): for supported_constraint in supported_constraints: if isinstance(constraint, supported_constraint): return True return False
[docs]def check_algorithm_can_support_constraints( constrained_vertices, supported_constraints, abstract_constraint_type): """ Helper method to find out if an algorithm can support all the\ constraints given the objects its expected to work on :param constrained_vertices: a list of constrained vertices which each has\ constraints given to the algorithm :type constrained_vertices: iterable of\ :py:class:`pacman.model.constraints.AbstractConstraint` :param supported_constraints: The constraints supported :type supported_constraints: iterable of\ :py:class:`pacman.model.constraints.AbstractConstraint` :param abstract_constraint_type: The overall abstract c type\ supported :type abstract_constraint_type:\ :py:class:`pacman.model.constraints.AbstractConstraint` :return: Nothing is returned :rtype: None :raise pacman.exceptions.PacmanInvalidParameterException: when the\ algorithm cannot support the constraints demanded of it """ for constrained_vertex in constrained_vertices: for c in constrained_vertex.constraints: if isinstance(c, abstract_constraint_type) and not \ _is_constraint_supported(c, supported_constraints): raise PacmanInvalidParameterException( "constraints", c.__class__, "Constraints of this class are not supported by this" " algorithm")
[docs]def check_constrained_value(value, current_value): """ Checks that the current value and a new value match :param value: The value to check :param current_value: The existing value """ if (current_value is not None and value is not None and value != current_value): raise PacmanValueError( "Multiple constraints with conflicting values") if value is not None: return value return current_value
[docs]def expand_to_bit_array(value): """ Expand a 32-bit value in to an array of length 32 of uint8 values,\ each of which is a 1 or 0 :param value: The value to expand :type value: int :rtype: [uint8] """ return numpy.unpackbits( numpy.asarray([value], dtype=">u4").view(dtype="uint8"))
[docs]def compress_from_bit_array(bit_array): """ Compress a bit array of 32 uint8 values, where each is a 1 or 0,\ into a 32-bit value :param bit_array: The array to compress :type bit_array: [uint8] :rtype: int """ return numpy.packbits(bit_array).view(dtype=">u4")[0].item()
[docs]def compress_bits_from_bit_array(bit_array, bit_positions): """ Compress specific positions from a bit array of 32 uint8 value,\ where is a 1 or 0, into a 32-bit value. :param bit_array: The array to extract the value from :type bit_array: [uint8] :param bit_positions: The positions of the bits to extract, each value\ being between 0 and 31 :type bit_positions: [int] :rtype: int """ expanded_value = numpy.zeros(32, dtype="uint8") expanded_value[-len(bit_positions):] = bit_array[bit_positions] return compress_from_bit_array(expanded_value)
[docs]def is_equal_or_None(a, b): """ If a and b are both not None, return True iff they are equal,\ otherwise return True """ return True if a is None or b is None or a == b else False
[docs]def is_single(iterable): """ Test if there is exactly one item in the iterable """ iterator = iter(iterable) # Test if there is a first item, if not return False if next(iterator, None) is None: return False # Test if there is a second item, if not return True if next(iterator, None) is None: return True # Otherwise return False return False