Source code for pacman.utilities.file_format_converters.convert_to_file_machine_graph

import hashlib
import json
import os
from collections import defaultdict

import jsonschema

from pacman.utilities import file_format_schemas
from pacman.model.graphs import AbstractVirtualVertex

from spinn_utilities.progress_bar import ProgressBar


[docs]class ConvertToFileMachineGraph(object): """ Converts a memory based graph into a file based graph """ __slots__ = [] def __call__(self, machine_graph, file_path): """ :param machine_graph: :param file_path: """ progress = ProgressBar( machine_graph.n_vertices + 1, "Converting to json graph") # write basic stuff json_graph_directory_rep = dict() # write vertices data vertices_resources = dict() json_graph_directory_rep["vertices_resources"] = vertices_resources edges_resources = defaultdict() json_graph_directory_rep["edges"] = edges_resources vertex_by_id = dict() partition_by_id = dict() for vertex in machine_graph.vertices: self._convert_vertex(vertex, vertex_by_id, vertices_resources, edges_resources, machine_graph, partition_by_id) progress.update() with open(file_path, "w") as file_to_write: json.dump(json_graph_directory_rep, file_to_write) progress.update() # validate the schema graph_schema_file_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(file_format_schemas.__file__), "machine_graph.json") with open(graph_schema_file_path, "r") as file_to_read: graph_schema = json.load(file_to_read) jsonschema.validate(json_graph_directory_rep, graph_schema) progress.end() return file_path, vertex_by_id, partition_by_id def _convert_vertex(self, vertex, vertex_by_id, vertices, edges, machine_graph, partition_by_id): vertex_id = id(vertex) vertex_by_id[str(vertex_id)] = vertex # handle external devices if isinstance(vertex, AbstractVirtualVertex): v = dict() vertices[vertex_id] = v v["cores"] = 0 # handle tagged vertices elif vertex.resources_required.iptags or \ vertex.resources_required.reverse_iptags: # handle the edge between the tag-able vertex and the fake vertex tag_id = hashlib.md5(vertex_id + "_tag").hexdigest() hyper_edge = dict() edges[tag_id] = hyper_edge hyper_edge["source"] = str(vertex_id) hyper_edge['sinks'] = tag_id hyper_edge["weight"] = 1.0 hyper_edge["type"] = "FAKE_TAG_EDGE" # add the tag-able vertex v = dict() vertices[vertex_id] = v v["cores"] = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_CORES_USED_PER_VERTEX v["sdram"] = int(vertex.resources_required.sdram.get_value()) # add fake vertex v = dict() vertices[tag_id] = v v["cores"] = 0 v["sdram"] = 0 # handle standard vertices else: v = dict() vertices[vertex_id] = v v["cores"] = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_CORES_USED_PER_VERTEX v["sdram"] = int(vertex.resources_required.sdram.get_value()) # handle the vertex edges for partition in machine_graph\ .get_outgoing_edge_partitions_starting_at_vertex(vertex): p_id = str(id(partition)) partition_by_id[p_id] = partition hyper_edge = dict() edges[p_id] = hyper_edge hyper_edge["source"] = str(id(vertex)) sinks_string = [] weight = 0 for edge in partition.edges: sinks_string.append(str(id(edge.post_vertex))) weight += edge.traffic_weight hyper_edge['sinks'] = sinks_string hyper_edge["weight"] = weight hyper_edge["type"] =