Source code for pacman.utilities.algorithm_utilities.field_based_system_utilities

from pacman.model.constraints.key_allocator_constraints\
    import ContiguousKeyRangeContraint
from pacman.model.constraints.key_allocator_constraints\
    import FixedKeyFieldConstraint
from pacman.model.constraints.key_allocator_constraints\
    import FixedKeyAndMaskConstraint
from pacman.model.constraints.key_allocator_constraints\
    import FixedMaskConstraint
from pacman.model.constraints.key_allocator_constraints\
    import FlexiKeyFieldConstraint
from pacman import exceptions

# the different types of field that this system supports
from pacman.utilities import utility_calls
from pacman.utilities.utility_objs import Field
from pacman.utilities.utility_objs.flexi_field import SUPPORTED_TAGS

from enum import Enum

    names=[("FIXED_MASK", 0),
           ("FIXED_KEY", 1),
           ("FIXED_FIELD", 2)])


[docs]def deduce_types(graph): """ deducing the number of applications required for this key space :param graph: """ seen_fields = dict() known_fields = list() for partition in graph.outgoing_edge_partitions: for constraint in partition.constraints: if not isinstance(constraint, ContiguousKeyRangeContraint): if isinstance(constraint, FlexiKeyFieldConstraint): handle_flexi_field(constraint, seen_fields, known_fields) if isinstance(constraint, FixedKeyAndMaskConstraint): if not in seen_fields: seen_fields[] = list() for key_mask in constraint.keys_and_masks: seen_fields[].\ append(key_mask) if isinstance(constraint, FixedMaskConstraint): fields = convert_mask_into_fields(constraint.mask) if not in seen_fields: seen_fields[] = dict() for field in fields: if field.value not in seen_fields[]: # add a new list for this mask type seen_fields[][ field.value] = list() if field not in seen_fields[][field.value]: seen_fields[][ field.value].append(field) if isinstance(constraint, FixedKeyFieldConstraint): if TYPES_OF_FIELDS.FIXED_FIELD not in seen_fields: seen_fields[] = list() seen_fields[].append( constraint.fields) return seen_fields
[docs]def handle_flexi_field(constraint, seen_fields, known_fields): """ :param constraint: :param seen_fields: :param known_fields: :rtype: None: """ # set the level of search current_level = seen_fields for constraint_field in constraint.fields: found_field = None # try to locate field in level for seen_field in current_level: if == seen_field: found_field = seen_field # seen the field before but not at this level. error if found_field is None and constraint_field in known_fields: raise exceptions.PacmanConfigurationException( "Can't find the field {} in the expected position".format( constraint_field)) # if not seen the field before if found_field is None and not in known_fields: next_level = dict() instance_level = dict() current_level[] = instance_level instance_level[constraint_field] = next_level known_fields.append( current_level = next_level # if found a field, check if its instance has indeed been put in # before if found_field is not None: instances = current_level[] if constraint_field in instances: current_level = instances[constraint_field] elif constraint_field.value not in instances: next_level = dict() instance_level = dict() instances[constraint_field] = instance_level instances[constraint_field] = next_level current_level = next_level
[docs]def convert_mask_into_fields(entity): """ :param entity: """ results = list() expanded_mask = utility_calls.expand_to_bit_array(entity) # set up for first location detected_change_position = NUM_BITS_IN_ROUTING detected_last_state = expanded_mask[NUM_BITS_IN_ROUTING] # iterate up the key looking for fields for position in range(NUM_BITS_IN_ROUTING - 1, START_OF_ROUTING_KEY_POSITION - 2, -1): # check for last bit iteration if position == -1: # if last bit has changed, create new field if detected_change_position != position: # create field with correct routing tag if detected_last_state == ROUTING_MASK_BIT: results.append(Field( NUM_BITS_IN_ROUTING - detected_change_position, NUM_BITS_IN_ROUTING, entity, else: results.append(Field( NUM_BITS_IN_ROUTING - detected_change_position, NUM_BITS_IN_ROUTING, entity, else: # check for bit iteration if expanded_mask[position] != detected_last_state: # if changed state, a field needs to be created. check for # which type of field to support if detected_last_state == ROUTING_MASK_BIT: results.append(Field( NUM_BITS_IN_ROUTING - detected_change_position, NUM_BITS_IN_ROUTING - (position + 1), entity, else: results.append(Field( NUM_BITS_IN_ROUTING - detected_change_position, NUM_BITS_IN_ROUTING - (position + 1), entity, # update positions detected_last_state = expanded_mask[position] detected_change_position = position return results