Source code for pacman.operations.routing_info_allocator_algorithms.malloc_based_routing_allocator.malloc_based_routing_info_allocator

from spinn_utilities.progress_bar import ProgressBar

# pacman imports
from pacman.model.constraints.key_allocator_constraints\
    import AbstractKeyAllocatorConstraint, FixedKeyFieldConstraint
from pacman.model.constraints.key_allocator_constraints\
    import FixedMaskConstraint
from pacman.model.constraints.key_allocator_constraints \
    import FixedKeyAndMaskConstraint
from pacman.model.constraints.key_allocator_constraints \
    import ContiguousKeyRangeContraint
from pacman.operations.routing_info_allocator_algorithms\
    .malloc_based_routing_allocator.key_field_generator \
    import KeyFieldGenerator
from pacman.model.routing_info \
    import RoutingInfo, BaseKeyAndMask, PartitionRoutingInfo
from pacman.utilities import utility_calls
from pacman.utilities.algorithm_utilities import ElementAllocatorAlgorithm
from pacman.utilities.algorithm_utilities import \
    routing_info_allocator_utilities as utilities
from pacman import exceptions

# general imports
import math
import numpy
import logging
from collections import defaultdict

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MallocBasedRoutingInfoAllocator(ElementAllocatorAlgorithm): """ A Routing Info Allocation Allocator algorithm that keeps track of free keys and attempts to allocate them as requested """ __slots__ = [] def __init__(self): ElementAllocatorAlgorithm.__init__(self, 0, math.pow(2, 32)) def __call__(self, machine_graph, n_keys_map, graph_mapper=None): # check that this algorithm supports the constraints utility_calls.check_algorithm_can_support_constraints( constrained_vertices=machine_graph.outgoing_edge_partitions, supported_constraints=[ FixedMaskConstraint, FixedKeyAndMaskConstraint, ContiguousKeyRangeContraint], abstract_constraint_type=AbstractKeyAllocatorConstraint) # verify that no edge has more than 1 of a constraint ,and that # constraints are compatible utilities.check_types_of_edge_constraint(machine_graph) routing_infos = RoutingInfo() # Get the edges grouped by those that require the same key (fixed_key_groups, fixed_mask_groups, fixed_field_groups, flexi_field_groups, continuous_groups, none_continuous_groups) = \ utilities.get_edge_groups(machine_graph) # Even non-continuous keys will be continuous for group in none_continuous_groups: continuous_groups.add(group) # Go through the groups and allocate keys progress_bar = ProgressBar( machine_graph.n_outgoing_edge_partitions, "Allocating routing keys") # allocate the groups that have fixed keys for group in fixed_key_groups: # fixed keys groups self._allocate_fixed_keys(group, routing_infos, continuous_groups) progress_bar.update() for group in fixed_mask_groups: # fixed mask groups self._allocate_fixed_masks(group, fixed_field_groups, n_keys_map, routing_infos, continuous_groups) progress_bar.update() for group in fixed_field_groups: self._allocate_fixed_fields(group, n_keys_map, routing_infos, continuous_groups) progress_bar.update() if len(flexi_field_groups) != 0: raise exceptions.PacmanConfigurationException( "MallocBasedRoutingInfoAllocator does not support FlexiField") # If there is a graph, group by source vertex and sort by vertex slice # (lo_atom) if graph_mapper is not None: vertex_groups = defaultdict(list) for partition in continuous_groups: vertex = graph_mapper.get_application_vertex( partition.pre_vertex) vertex_groups[vertex].append(partition) vertex_partitions = list() for vertex_group in vertex_groups.itervalues(): sorted_partitions = sorted( vertex_group, key=lambda part: graph_mapper.get_slice( part.pre_vertex)) vertex_partitions.extend(sorted_partitions) continuous_groups = vertex_partitions for group in continuous_groups: keys_and_masks = self._allocate_keys_and_masks( None, None, n_keys_map.n_keys_for_partition(group)) # update the pacman data objects self._update_routing_objects(keys_and_masks, routing_infos, group) progress_bar.end() return routing_infos def _allocate_fixed_keys(self, group, routing_infos, continuous_groups): # Get any fixed keys and masks from the group and attempt to # allocate them fixed_mask = None fixed_key_and_mask_constraint = \ utility_calls.locate_first_constraint_of_type( group.constraints, FixedKeyAndMaskConstraint) # attempt to allocate them self._allocate_fixed_keys_and_masks( fixed_key_and_mask_constraint.keys_and_masks, fixed_mask) # update the pacman data objects self._update_routing_objects( fixed_key_and_mask_constraint.keys_and_masks, routing_infos, group) continuous_groups.remove(group) def _allocate_fixed_masks(self, group, fixed_field_groups, n_keys_map, routing_infos, continuous_groups): # get mask and fields if need be fixed_mask = utility_calls.locate_first_constraint_of_type( group.constraints, FixedMaskConstraint).mask fields = None if group in fixed_field_groups: fields = utility_calls.locate_first_constraint_of_type( group.constraints, FixedKeyFieldConstraint).fields fixed_field_groups.remove(group) # try to allocate keys_and_masks = self._allocate_keys_and_masks( fixed_mask, fields, n_keys_map.n_keys_for_partition(group)) # update the pacman data objects self._update_routing_objects(keys_and_masks, routing_infos, group) continuous_groups.remove(group) def _allocate_fixed_fields(self, group, n_keys_map, routing_infos, continuous_groups): fields = utility_calls.locate_first_constraint_of_type( group.constraints, FixedKeyFieldConstraint).fields # try to allocate keys_and_masks = self._allocate_keys_and_masks( None, fields, n_keys_map.n_keys_for_partition(group)) # update the pacman data objects self._update_routing_objects(keys_and_masks, routing_infos, group) continuous_groups.remove(group) @staticmethod def _update_routing_objects( keys_and_masks, routing_infos, group): # Allocate the routing information partition_info = PartitionRoutingInfo(keys_and_masks, group) routing_infos.add_partition_info(partition_info) @staticmethod def _get_key_ranges(key, mask): """ Get a generator of base_key, n_keys pairs that represent ranges allowed by the mask :param key: The base key :param mask: The mask """ unwrapped_mask = utility_calls.expand_to_bit_array(mask) first_zeros = list() remaining_zeros = list() pos = len(unwrapped_mask) - 1 # Keep the indices of the first set of zeros while pos >= 0 and unwrapped_mask[pos] == 0: first_zeros.append(pos) pos -= 1 # Find all the remaining zeros while pos >= 0: if unwrapped_mask[pos] == 0: remaining_zeros.append(pos) pos -= 1 # Loop over 2^len(remaining_zeros) to produce the base key, # with n_keys being 2^len(first_zeros) n_sets = 2 ** len(remaining_zeros) n_keys = 2 ** len(first_zeros) if len(remaining_zeros) == 0: yield key, n_keys return unwrapped_key = utility_calls.expand_to_bit_array(key) for value in xrange(n_sets): generated_key = numpy.copy(unwrapped_key) unwrapped_value = utility_calls.expand_to_bit_array(value)[ -len(remaining_zeros):] generated_key[remaining_zeros] = unwrapped_value yield utility_calls.compress_from_bit_array(generated_key), n_keys @staticmethod def _get_possible_masks(n_keys): """ Get the possible masks given the number of keys :param n_keys: The number of keys to generate a mask for """ # TODO: Generate all the masks - currently only the obvious # mask with the zeros at the bottom is generated but the zeros # could actually be anywhere n_zeros = int(math.ceil(math.log(n_keys, 2))) n_ones = 32 - n_zeros return [(((1 << n_ones) - 1) << n_zeros)] def _allocate_fixed_keys_and_masks(self, keys_and_masks, fixed_mask): # If there are fixed keys and masks, allocate them for key_and_mask in keys_and_masks: # If there is a fixed mask, check it doesn't clash if fixed_mask is not None and fixed_mask != key_and_mask.mask: raise exceptions.PacmanRouteInfoAllocationException( "Cannot meet conflicting constraints") # Go through the mask sets and allocate for key, n_keys in self._get_key_ranges( key_and_mask.key, key_and_mask.mask): self._allocate_elements(key, n_keys) def _allocate_keys_and_masks(self, fixed_mask, fields, partition_n_keys): # If there isn't a fixed mask, generate a fixed mask based # on the number of keys required masks_available = [fixed_mask] if fixed_mask is None: masks_available = self._get_possible_masks(partition_n_keys) # For each usable mask, try all of the possible keys and # see if a match is possible mask_found = None key_found = None mask = None for mask in masks_available: logger.debug("Trying mask {} for {} keys".format( hex(mask), partition_n_keys)) key_found = None key_generator = KeyFieldGenerator( mask, fields, self._free_space_tracker) for key in key_generator: logger.debug("Trying key {}".format(hex(key))) # Check if all the key ranges can be allocated matched_all = True index = 0 for (base_key, n_keys) in self._get_key_ranges(key, mask): logger.debug("Finding slot for {}, n_keys={}".format( hex(base_key), n_keys)) index = self._find_slot(base_key, lo=index) logger.debug("Slot for {} is {}".format( hex(base_key), index)) if index is None: matched_all = False break space = self._check_allocation(index, base_key, n_keys) logger.debug("Space for {} is {}".format( hex(base_key), space)) if space is None: matched_all = False break if matched_all: logger.debug("Matched key {}".format(hex(key))) key_found = key break # If we found a matching key, store the mask that worked if key_found is not None: logger.debug("Matched mask {}".format(hex(mask))) mask_found = mask break # If we found a working key and mask that can be assigned, # Allocate them if key_found is not None and mask_found is not None: for (base_key, n_keys) in self._get_key_ranges( key_found, mask): self._allocate_elements(base_key, n_keys) # If we get here, we can assign the keys to the edges return list([BaseKeyAndMask(base_key=key_found, mask=mask)]) raise exceptions.PacmanRouteInfoAllocationException( "Could not find space to allocate keys")