Source code for pacman.operations.placer_algorithms.one_to_one_placer

from spinn_utilities.progress_bar import ProgressBar

# pacman imports
from pacman import exceptions
from pacman.model.placements import Placement, Placements
from pacman.operations.placer_algorithms import RadialPlacer
from pacman.utilities.utility_objs import ResourceTracker
from pacman.utilities.algorithm_utilities \
    import placer_algorithm_utilities as placer_utils
from pacman.model.constraints.placer_constraints\
    import SameChipAsConstraint
from pacman.utilities.utility_calls import is_single

def _conflict(x, y, post_x, post_y):
    if x is not None and post_x is not None and x != post_x:
        return True
    if y is not None and post_y is not None and y != post_y:
        return True
    return False

[docs]class OneToOnePlacer(RadialPlacer): """ Placer that puts vertices which are directly connected to only its\ destination on the same chip """ __slots__ = [] def __init__(self): RadialPlacer.__init__(self) def __call__(self, machine_graph, machine): # check that the algorithm can handle the constraints self._check_constraints( machine_graph.vertices, additional_placement_constraints={SameChipAsConstraint}) # Get which vertices must be placed on the same chip as another vertex same_chip_vertex_groups = placer_utils.get_same_chip_vertex_groups( machine_graph.vertices) sorted_vertices = self._sort_vertices_for_one_to_one_connection( machine_graph, same_chip_vertex_groups) return self._do_allocation( sorted_vertices, machine, same_chip_vertex_groups, machine_graph) def _do_allocation( self, vertices, machine, same_chip_vertex_groups, machine_graph): placements = Placements() # Iterate over vertices and generate placements progress = ProgressBar( machine_graph.n_vertices, "Placing graph vertices") resource_tracker = ResourceTracker( machine, self._generate_radial_chips(machine)) all_vertices_placed = set() # iterate over vertices for vertex_list in vertices: # if too many one to ones to fit on a chip, allocate individually if len(vertex_list) > machine.maximum_user_cores_on_chip: for vertex in vertex_list: self._allocate_individual( vertex, placements, resource_tracker, same_chip_vertex_groups, all_vertices_placed) progress.update() else: try: resource_and_constraint_list = [ (vertex.resources_required, vertex.constraints) for vertex in vertex_list] allocations = \ resource_tracker.allocate_constrained_group_resources( resource_and_constraint_list) # allocate cores to vertices for vertex, (x, y, p, _, _) in zip( vertex_list, allocations): placement = Placement(vertex, x, y, p) placements.add_placement(placement) progress.update() except exceptions.PacmanValueError or \ exceptions.PacmanException or \ exceptions.PacmanInvalidParameterException: # If something goes wrong, try to allocate each # individually for vertex in vertex_list: self._allocate_individual( vertex, placements, resource_tracker, same_chip_vertex_groups, all_vertices_placed) progress.update() progress.end() return placements @staticmethod def _allocate_individual( vertex, placements, resource_tracker, same_chip_vertex_groups, all_vertices_placed): if vertex not in all_vertices_placed: vertices = same_chip_vertex_groups[vertex] if len(vertices) > 1: resources = \ resource_tracker.allocate_constrained_group_resources([ (vert.resources_required, vert.constraints) for vert in vertices ]) for (x, y, p, _, _), vert in zip(resources, vertices): placement = Placement(vert, x, y, p) placements.add_placement(placement) all_vertices_placed.add(vert) else: (x, y, p, _, _) = resource_tracker.\ allocate_constrained_resources( vertex.resources_required, vertex.constraints) placement = Placement(vertex, x, y, p) placements.add_placement(placement) all_vertices_placed.add(vertex) def _sort_vertices_for_one_to_one_connection( self, machine_graph, same_chip_vertex_groups): """ :param machine_graph: the graph to place :return: list of sorted vertices """ sorted_vertices = list() found_list = set() # order vertices based on constraint priority vertices = placer_utils.sort_vertices_by_known_constraints( machine_graph.vertices) for vertex in vertices: if vertex not in found_list: # vertices that are one to one connected with vertex and are # not forced off chip connected_vertices = self._find_one_to_one_vertices( vertex, machine_graph) # create list for each vertex thats connected haven't already # been seen before new_list = set() for found_vertex in connected_vertices: if found_vertex not in found_list: new_list.add(found_vertex) # looks for vertices that have same chip constraints but not # found by the one to one connection search. same_chip_vertices = list() for found_vertex in new_list: for same_chip_constrained_vertex in \ same_chip_vertex_groups[found_vertex]: if same_chip_constrained_vertex not in new_list: same_chip_vertices.append( same_chip_constrained_vertex) # add these newly found vertices to the list new_list.update(same_chip_vertices) sorted_vertices.append(new_list) found_list.update(new_list) # locate vertices which have no output or input, and add them for # placement for vertex in vertices: if vertex not in found_list: sorted_vertices.append([vertex]) return sorted_vertices @staticmethod def _find_one_to_one_vertices(vertex, graph): """ Find vertices which have one to one connections with the given\ vertex, and where their constraints don't force them onto\ different chips. :param vertex: the vertex to use as a basis for one to one connections :param graph: the graph to look for other one to one vertices :return: set of one to one vertices """ x, y, _ = ResourceTracker.get_chip_and_core(vertex.constraints) found_vertices = [vertex] vertices_seen = {vertex} # look for one to ones leaving this vertex outgoing = graph.get_edges_starting_at_vertex(vertex) vertices_to_try = [edge.post_vertex for edge in outgoing] while len(vertices_to_try) != 0: next_vertex = vertices_to_try.pop() if next_vertex not in vertices_seen: vertices_seen.add(next_vertex) post_x, post_y, _ = ResourceTracker.get_chip_and_core( next_vertex.constraints) edges = graph.get_edges_ending_at_vertex(next_vertex) if is_single(edges) and not _conflict(x, y, post_x, post_y): found_vertices.append(next_vertex) if post_x is not None: x = post_x if post_y is not None: y = post_y outgoing = graph.get_edges_starting_at_vertex(next_vertex) vertices_to_try.extend([ edge.post_vertex for edge in outgoing if edge.post_vertex not in vertices_seen]) # look for one to ones entering this vertex incoming = graph.get_edges_ending_at_vertex(vertex) vertices_to_try = [ edge.pre_vertex for edge in incoming if edge.pre_vertex not in vertices_seen] while len(vertices_to_try) != 0: next_vertex = vertices_to_try.pop() if next_vertex not in vertices_seen: vertices_seen.add(next_vertex) pre_x, pre_y, _ = ResourceTracker.get_chip_and_core( next_vertex.constraints) edges = graph.get_edges_starting_at_vertex(next_vertex) if is_single(edges) and not _conflict(x, y, pre_x, pre_y): found_vertices.append(next_vertex) if pre_x is not None: x = pre_x if pre_y is not None: y = pre_y incoming = graph.get_edges_ending_at_vertex(next_vertex) vertices_to_try.extend([ edge.pre_vertex for edge in incoming if edge.pre_vertex not in vertices_seen]) return found_vertices