Source code for pacman.operations.placer_algorithms.connective_based_placer

import logging
from pacman.utilities.algorithm_utilities.placer_algorithm_utilities \
    import sort_vertices_by_known_constraints

from pacman.model.constraints.placer_constraints \
    import AbstractPlacerConstraint
from pacman.model.placements import Placements
from pacman.operations.placer_algorithms import RadialPlacer
from pacman.utilities import utility_calls
from spinn_utilities.progress_bar import ProgressBar
from pacman.utilities.utility_objs import ResourceTracker

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ConnectiveBasedPlacer(RadialPlacer): """ A radial algorithm that can place a machine graph onto a\ machine using a circle out behaviour from a Ethernet at a given point\ and which will place things that are most connected closest to each\ other """ __slots__ = [] def __init__(self): """ """ RadialPlacer.__init__(self) def __call__(self, machine_graph, machine): # check that the algorithm can handle the constraints self._check_constraints(machine_graph.vertices) # Sort the vertices into those with and those without # placement constraints placements = Placements() constrained_vertices = list() unconstrained_vertices = set() for vertex in machine_graph.vertices: placement_constraints = utility_calls.locate_constraints_of_type( vertex.constraints, AbstractPlacerConstraint) if len(placement_constraints) > 0: constrained_vertices.append(vertex) else: unconstrained_vertices.add(vertex) # Iterate over constrained vertices and generate placements progress = ProgressBar( machine_graph.n_vertices, "Placing graph vertices") resource_tracker = ResourceTracker( machine, self._generate_radial_chips(machine)) constrained_vertices = sort_vertices_by_known_constraints( constrained_vertices) for vertex in constrained_vertices: self._place_vertex(vertex, resource_tracker, machine, placements) progress.update() while len(unconstrained_vertices) > 0: # Keep track of all vertices connected to the currently placed ones next_vertices = set() # Initially, add the overall most connected vertex max_connected_vertex = self._find_max_connected_vertex( unconstrained_vertices, machine_graph) next_vertices.add(max_connected_vertex) while len(next_vertices) > 0: # Find the vertex most connected to the currently placed # vertices vertex = self._find_max_connected_vertex(next_vertices, machine_graph) # Place the vertex self._place_vertex(vertex, resource_tracker, machine, placements) progress.update() unconstrained_vertices.remove(vertex) next_vertices.remove(vertex) # Add all vertices connected to this one to the set for in_edge in (machine_graph .get_edges_ending_at_vertex(vertex)): if in_edge.pre_vertex in unconstrained_vertices: next_vertices.add(in_edge.pre_vertex) for out_edge in (machine_graph .get_edges_starting_at_vertex(vertex)): if out_edge.post_vertex in unconstrained_vertices: next_vertices.add(out_edge.post_vertex) # finished, so stop progress bar and return placements progress.end() return placements def _find_max_connected_vertex(self, vertices, graph): max_connected_vertex = None max_weight = 0 for vertex in vertices: in_weight = sum([ edge.weight for edge in graph.get_edges_starting_at_vertex(vertex)]) out_weight = sum([ edge.weight for edge in graph.get_edges_ending_at_vertex(vertex)]) weight = in_weight + out_weight if max_connected_vertex is None or weight > max_weight: max_connected_vertex = vertex max_weight = weight return max_connected_vertex