Source code for pacman.operations.algorithm_reports.reports

import logging
import os
import time

from pacman import exceptions
from pacman.model.graphs import AbstractSpiNNakerLinkVertex, AbstractFPGAVertex

from spinn_utilities.progress_bar import ProgressBar

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def tag_allocator_report(report_folder, tag_infos): """ Reports the tags that are being used by the tool chain for this\ simulation :param report_folder: the folder to which the reports are being written :param tag_infos: the tags container generated by the tools. :rtype: None """ progress_bar = ProgressBar( len(list(tag_infos.ip_tags)) + len(list(tag_infos.reverse_ip_tags)), "Reporting Tags") file_name = os.path.join(report_folder, "tags.rpt") f_routing = None try: f_routing = open(file_name, "w") except IOError: logger.error("Generate_tag_report: Can't open file {} for " "writing.".format(file_name)) for ip_tag in tag_infos.ip_tags: f_routing.write("{}\n".format(ip_tag)) progress_bar.update() for reverse_ip_tag in tag_infos.reverse_ip_tags: f_routing.write("{}\n".format(reverse_ip_tag)) progress_bar.update() f_routing.flush() f_routing.close() progress_bar.end()
[docs]def placer_reports_with_application_graph( report_folder, hostname, graph, graph_mapper, placements, machine): """ Reports that can be produced from placement given a application\ graph's existence :param report_folder: the folder to which the reports are being written :param hostname: the machine's hostname to which the placer worked on :param graph: the application graph to which placements were built :param graph_mapper: the mapping between application and machine \ graphs :param placements: the placements objects built by the placer. :param machine: the python machine object :rtype: None """ placement_report_with_application_graph_by_vertex( report_folder, hostname, graph, graph_mapper, placements) placement_report_with_application_graph_by_core( report_folder, hostname, placements, machine, graph_mapper) sdram_usage_report_per_chip( report_folder, hostname, placements, machine)
[docs]def placer_reports_without_application_graph( report_folder, hostname, machine_graph, placements, machine): """ :param report_folder: the folder to which the reports are being written :param hostname: the machine's hostname to which the placer worked on :param placements: the placements objects built by the placer. :param machine: the python machine object :param machine_graph: the machine graph to which the reports are to\ operate on :rtype: None """ placement_report_without_application_graph_by_vertex( report_folder, hostname, placements, machine_graph) placement_report_without_application_graph_by_core( report_folder, hostname, placements, machine) sdram_usage_report_per_chip( report_folder, hostname, placements, machine)
[docs]def router_report_from_paths( report_folder, routing_tables, routing_infos, hostname, machine_graph, placements, machine): """ Generates a text file of routing paths :param routing_tables: :param report_folder: :param hostname: :param routing_infos: :param machine_graph: :param placements: :param machine: :rtype: None """ file_name = os.path.join(report_folder, "edge_routing_info.rpt") try: with open(file_name, "w") as f: progress = ProgressBar(machine_graph.n_outgoing_edge_partitions, "Generating Routing path report") f.write(" Edge Routing Report\n") f.write(" ===================\n\n") time_date_string = time.strftime("%c") f.write("Generated: {}".format(time_date_string)) f.write(" for target machine '{}'".format(hostname)) f.write("\n\n") for partition in progress.over( machine_graph.outgoing_edge_partitions): source_placement = placements.get_placement_of_vertex( partition.pre_vertex) key_and_mask = routing_infos.get_routing_info_from_partition( partition).first_key_and_mask for edge in partition.edges: destination_placement = placements.get_placement_of_vertex( edge.post_vertex) path, number_of_entries = _search_route( source_placement, destination_placement, key_and_mask, routing_tables, machine) text = ("**** Edge '{}', from vertex: '{}'" " to vertex: '{}'".format( edge.label, edge.pre_vertex.label, edge.post_vertex.label)) text += " Takes path \n {}\n".format(path) f.write(text) f.write("Route length: {}\n".format(number_of_entries)) # End one entry: f.write("\n") except IOError: logger.error("Generate_routing_reports: Can't open file {} for " "writing.".format(file_name))
[docs]def partitioner_report(report_folder, hostname, graph, graph_mapper): """ Generate report on the placement of vertices onto cores. """ # Cycle through all vertices, and for each cycle through its vertices. # For each vertex, describe its core mapping. file_name = os.path.join(report_folder, "partitioned_by_vertex.rpt") try: with open(file_name, "w") as f: progress = ProgressBar(graph.n_vertices, "Generating partitioner report") f.write(" Placement Information by Vertex\n") f.write(" ===============================\n\n") time_date_string = time.strftime("%c") f.write("Generated: {}".format(time_date_string)) f.write(" for target machine '{}'".format(hostname)) f.write("\n\n") for v in progress.over(graph.vertices): vertex_name = v.label vertex_model = v.__class__.__name__ num_atoms = v.n_atoms f.write("**** Vertex: '{}'\n".format(vertex_name)) f.write("Model: {}\n".format(vertex_model)) f.write("Pop size: {}\n".format(num_atoms)) f.write("Machine Vertices: \n") machine_vertices = \ sorted(graph_mapper.get_machine_vertices(v), key=lambda x: x.label) machine_vertices = \ sorted(machine_vertices, key=lambda x: graph_mapper.get_slice(x).lo_atom) for sv in machine_vertices: lo_atom = graph_mapper.get_slice(sv).lo_atom hi_atom = graph_mapper.get_slice(sv).hi_atom num_atoms = hi_atom - lo_atom + 1 my_string = " Slice {}:{} ({} atoms) \n"\ .format(lo_atom, hi_atom, num_atoms) f.write(my_string) f.write("\n") except IOError: logger.error("Generate_placement_reports: Can't open file {} for" " writing.".format(file_name))
[docs]def placement_report_with_application_graph_by_vertex( report_folder, hostname, graph, graph_mapper, placements): """ Generate report on the placement of vertices onto cores by vertex. :param report_folder: the folder to which the reports are being written :param hostname: the machine's hostname to which the placer worked on :param graph: the graph to which placements were built :param graph_mapper: the mapping between graphs :param placements: the placements objects built by the placer. """ # Cycle through all vertices, and for each cycle through its vertices. # For each vertex, describe its core mapping. file_name = os.path.join(report_folder, "placement_by_vertex.rpt") try: with open(file_name, "w") as f: progress = ProgressBar(graph.n_vertices, "Generating placement report") f.write(" Placement Information by Vertex\n") f.write(" ===============================\n\n") time_date_string = time.strftime("%c") f.write("Generated: {}".format(time_date_string)) f.write(" for target machine '{}'".format(hostname)) f.write("\n\n") used_processors_by_chip = dict() used_sdram_by_chip = dict() vertex_by_processor = dict() for v in progress.over(graph.vertices): vertex_name = v.label vertex_model = v.__class__.__name__ num_atoms = v.n_atoms f.write("**** Vertex: '{}'\n".format(vertex_name)) f.write("Model: {}\n".format(vertex_model)) f.write("Pop size: {}\n".format(num_atoms)) f.write("Machine Vertices: \n") machine_vertices = \ sorted(graph_mapper.get_machine_vertices(v), key=lambda vert: vert.label) machine_vertices = \ sorted(machine_vertices, key=lambda vert: graph_mapper.get_slice(vert).lo_atom) for sv in machine_vertices: lo_atom = graph_mapper.get_slice(sv).lo_atom hi_atom = graph_mapper.get_slice(sv).hi_atom num_atoms = hi_atom - lo_atom + 1 cur_placement = placements.get_placement_of_vertex(sv) x, y, p = cur_placement.x, cur_placement.y, cur_placement.p key = "{},{}".format(x, y) if key in used_processors_by_chip: used_pros = used_processors_by_chip[key] else: used_pros = list() used_sdram_by_chip.update({key: 0}) vertex_by_processor["{},{},{}".format(x, y, p)] = sv new_pro = [p, cur_placement] used_pros.append(new_pro) used_processors_by_chip.update({key: used_pros}) f.write(" Slice {}:{} ({} atoms) on core ({}, {}, {}) \n" .format(lo_atom, hi_atom, num_atoms, x, y, p)) f.write("\n") except IOError: logger.error("Generate_placement_reports: Can't open file {} for" " writing.".format(file_name))
[docs]def placement_report_without_application_graph_by_vertex( report_folder, hostname, placements, machine_graph): """ Generate report on the placement of vertices onto cores by vertex. :param report_folder: the folder to which the reports are being written :param hostname: the machine's hostname to which the placer worked on :param placements: the placements objects built by the placer. :param machine_graph: the machine graph generated by the end user """ # Cycle through all vertices, and for each cycle through its vertices. # For each vertex, describe its core mapping. file_name = os.path.join(report_folder, "placement_by_vertex.rpt") try: with open(file_name, "w") as f: progress = ProgressBar(machine_graph.n_vertices, "Generating placement report") f.write(" Placement Information by Vertex\n") f.write(" ===============================\n\n") time_date_string = time.strftime("%c") f.write("Generated: {}".format(time_date_string)) f.write(" for target machine '{}'".format(hostname)) f.write("\n\n") used_processors_by_chip = dict() used_sdram_by_chip = dict() vertex_by_processor = dict() for v in progress.over(machine_graph.vertices): vertex_name = v.label vertex_model = v.__class__.__name__ f.write("**** Vertex: '{}'\n".format(vertex_name)) f.write("Model: {}\n".format(vertex_model)) cur_placement = placements.get_placement_of_vertex(v) x, y, p = cur_placement.x, cur_placement.y, cur_placement.p key = "{},{}".format(x, y) if key in used_processors_by_chip: used_pros = used_processors_by_chip[key] else: used_pros = list() used_sdram_by_chip.update({key: 0}) vertex_by_processor["{},{},{}".format(x, y, p)] = v new_pro = [p, cur_placement] used_pros.append(new_pro) used_processors_by_chip.update({key: used_pros}) f.write(" Placed on core ({}, {}, {})\n\n".format(x, y, p)) except IOError: logger.error("Generate_placement_reports: Can't open file {} for" " writing.".format(file_name))
[docs]def placement_report_with_application_graph_by_core( report_folder, hostname, placements, machine, graph_mapper): """ Generate report on the placement of vertices onto cores by core. :param report_folder: the folder to which the reports are being written :param hostname: the machine's hostname to which the placer worked on :param graph_mapper: the mapping between application and machine\ graphs :param machine: the spinnaker machine object :param placements: the placements objects built by the placer. """ # File 2: Placement by core. # Cycle through all chips and by all cores within each chip. # For each core, display what is held on it. file_name = os.path.join(report_folder, "placement_by_core.rpt") try: with open(file_name, "w") as f: progress = ProgressBar(machine.n_chips, "Generating placement by core report") f.write(" Placement Information by Core\n") f.write(" =============================\n\n") time_date_string = time.strftime("%c") f.write("Generated: {}".format(time_date_string)) f.write(" for target machine '{}'".format(hostname)) f.write("\n\n") for chip in progress.over(machine.chips): written_header = False for processor in chip.processors: if placements.is_processor_occupied( chip.x, chip.y, processor.processor_id): if not written_header: f.write("**** Chip: ({}, {})\n" .format(chip.x, chip.y)) f.write("Application cores: {}\n" .format(len(list(chip.processors)))) written_header = True pro_id = processor.processor_id vertex = placements.get_vertex_on_processor( chip.x, chip.y, processor.processor_id) app_vertex = graph_mapper.get_application_vertex( vertex) vertex_label = app_vertex.label vertex_model = app_vertex.__class__.__name__ vertex_atoms = app_vertex.n_atoms lo_atom = graph_mapper.get_slice(vertex).lo_atom hi_atom = graph_mapper.get_slice(vertex).hi_atom num_atoms = hi_atom - lo_atom + 1 f.write(" Processor {}: Vertex: '{}', pop size: {}\n" .format(pro_id, vertex_label, vertex_atoms)) f.write(" " "Slice on this core: {}:{} ({} atoms)\n" .format(lo_atom, hi_atom, num_atoms)) f.write(" Model: {}\n\n".format( vertex_model)) except IOError: logger.error("Generate_placement_reports: Can't open file {} for " "writing.".format(file_name))
[docs]def placement_report_without_application_graph_by_core( report_folder, hostname, placements, machine): """ Generate report on the placement of vertices onto cores by core. :param report_folder: the folder to which the reports are being written :param hostname: the machine's hostname to which the placer worked on :param machine: the spinnaker machine object :param placements: the placements objects built by the placer. """ # File 2: Placement by core. # Cycle through all chips and by all cores within each chip. # For each core, display what is held on it. file_name = os.path.join(report_folder, "placement_by_core.rpt") f = None try: with open(file_name, "w") as f: progress = ProgressBar(machine.chips, "Generating placement by core report") f.write(" Placement Information by Core\n") f.write(" =============================\n\n") time_date_string = time.strftime("%c") f.write("Generated: {}".format(time_date_string)) f.write(" for target machine '{}'".format(hostname)) f.write("\n\n") for chip in progress.over(machine.chips): written_header = False for processor in chip.processors: if placements.is_processor_occupied( chip.x, chip.y, processor.processor_id): if not written_header: f.write("**** Chip: ({}, {})\n" .format(chip.x, chip.y)) f.write("Application cores: {}\n" .format(len(list(chip.processors)))) written_header = True pro_id = processor.processor_id vertex = placements.get_vertex_on_processor( chip.x, chip.y, processor.processor_id) f.write(" Processor {}: Vertex: '{}' \n" .format(pro_id, vertex.label)) f.write(" Model: {}\n\n" .format(vertex.__class__.__name__)) f.write("\n") except IOError: logger.error("Generate_placement_reports: Can't open file {} for " "writing.".format(file_name))
[docs]def sdram_usage_report_per_chip(report_folder, hostname, placements, machine): """ Reports the SDRAM used per chip :param report_folder: the folder to which the reports are being written :param hostname: the machine's hostname to which the placer worked on :param placements: the placements objects built by the placer. :param machine: the python machine object :rtype: None """ file_name = os.path.join(report_folder, "chip_sdram_usage_by_core.rpt") try: with open(file_name, "w") as f: f.write(" Memory Usage by Core\n") f.write(" ====================\n\n") time_date_string = time.strftime("%c") f.write("Generated: %s" % time_date_string) f.write(" for target machine '{}'".format(hostname)) f.write("\n\n") used_sdram_by_chip = dict() placements = sorted(placements.placements, key=lambda x: x.vertex.label) progress = ProgressBar(len(placements) + machine.n_chips, "Generating SDRAM usage report") for placement in placements: reqs = placement.vertex.resources_required x, y, p = placement.x, placement.y, placement.p f.write("SDRAM reqs for core ({},{},{}) is {} KB\n".format( x, y, p, int(reqs.sdram.get_value() / 1024.0))) if (x, y) not in used_sdram_by_chip: used_sdram_by_chip[(x, y)] = reqs.sdram.get_value() else: used_sdram_by_chip[(x, y)] += reqs.sdram.get_value() progress.update() for chip in machine.chips: try: used_sdram = used_sdram_by_chip[(chip.x, chip.y)] if used_sdram != 0: f.write( "**** Chip: ({}, {}) has total memory usage of" " {} KB ({} bytes) out of a max of " "{} KB ({} bytes)\n\n".format( chip.x, chip.y, int(used_sdram / 1024.0), used_sdram, int(chip.sdram.size / 1024.0), chip.sdram.size)) except KeyError: # Do Nothing pass progress.update() progress.end() except IOError: logger.error("Generate_placement_reports: Can't open file {} for " "writing.".format(file_name))
[docs]def routing_info_report(report_folder, machine_graph, routing_infos): """ Generates a report which says which keys is being allocated to each\ vertex :param report_folder: the report folder to store this value :param machine_graph: :param routing_infos: """ file_name = os.path.join( report_folder, "virtual_key_space_information_report.rpt") try: with open(file_name, "w") as f: progress = ProgressBar(machine_graph.n_outgoing_edge_partitions, "Generating Routing info report") for vertex in machine_graph.vertices: f.write("Vertex: {}\n".format(vertex)) for partition in machine_graph.\ get_outgoing_edge_partitions_starting_at_vertex( vertex): rinfo = routing_infos.get_routing_info_from_partition( partition) f.write(" Partition: {}, Routing Info: {}\n".format( partition.identifier, rinfo.keys_and_masks)) progress.update() progress.end() except IOError: logger.error("generate virtual key space information report: " "Can't open file {} for writing.".format(file_name))
[docs]def router_report_from_router_tables(report_folder, routing_tables): """ :param report_folder: :param routing_tables: :rtype: None """ top_level_folder = os.path.join(report_folder, "routing_tables_generated") if not os.path.exists(top_level_folder): os.mkdir(top_level_folder) progress = ProgressBar(routing_tables.routing_tables, "Generating Router table report") for routing_table in progress.over(routing_tables.routing_tables): if routing_table.number_of_entries > 0: _generate_routing_table(routing_table, top_level_folder)
[docs]def router_report_from_compressed_router_tables(report_folder, routing_tables): """ :param report_folder: :param routing_tables: :rtype: None """ top_level_folder = os.path.join(report_folder, "compressed_routing_tables_generated") if not os.path.exists(top_level_folder): os.mkdir(top_level_folder) progress = ProgressBar(routing_tables.routing_tables, "Generating compressed router table report") for routing_table in progress.over(routing_tables.routing_tables): if routing_table.number_of_entries > 0: _generate_routing_table(routing_table, top_level_folder)
def _generate_routing_table(routing_table, top_level_folder): file_name = "routing_table_{}_{}.rpt".format( routing_table.x, routing_table.y) file_path = os.path.join(top_level_folder, file_name) try: with open(file_path, "w") as f: f.write("Router contains {} entries\n".format( routing_table.number_of_entries)) f.write("{: <5s} {: <10s} {: <10s} {: <10s} {: <7s} {}\n".format( "Index", "Key", "Mask", "Route", "Default", "[Cores][Links]")) f.write( "{:-<5s} {:-<10s} {:-<10s} {:-<10s} {:-<7s} {:-<14s}\n".format( "", "", "", "", "", "")) line_format = "{: >5d} 0x{:08X} 0x{:08X} 0x{:08X} {: <7s} {}\n" entry_count = 0 n_defaultable = 0 for entry in routing_table.multicast_routing_entries: index = entry_count & 0xFFFF key = entry.routing_entry_key mask = entry.mask route = _reduce_route_value( entry.processor_ids, entry.link_ids) route_txt = _expand_route_value( entry.processor_ids, entry.link_ids) entry_str = line_format.format( index, key, mask, route, str(entry.defaultable), route_txt) entry_count += 1 if entry.defaultable: n_defaultable += 1 f.write(entry_str) f.write("{} Defaultable entries\n".format(n_defaultable)) except IOError: logger.error("Generate_placement_reports: Can't open file" " {} for writing.".format(file_path))
[docs]def generate_comparison_router_report( report_folder, routing_tables, compressed_routing_tables): """ Make a report on comparison of the compressed and uncompressed \ routing tables :param report_folder: the folder to store the resulting report :param routing_tables: the original routing tables :param compressed_routing_tables: the compressed routing tables :rtype: None """ file_name = os.path.join( report_folder, "comparison_of_compressed_uncompressed_routing_tables") try: with open(file_name, "w") as f: progress = ProgressBar( routing_tables.routing_tables, "Generating comparison of router table report") for table in progress.over(routing_tables.routing_tables): x = table.x y = table.y compressed_table = compressed_routing_tables.\ get_routing_table_for_chip(x, y) n_entries_uncompressed = table.number_of_entries n_entries_compressed = compressed_table.number_of_entries ratio = ((n_entries_uncompressed - n_entries_compressed) / float(n_entries_uncompressed)) f.write( "Uncompressed table at {}:{} has {} entries whereas " "compressed table has {} entries. This is a decrease " "of {} %\n".format( x, y, n_entries_uncompressed, n_entries_compressed, ratio * 100)) except IOError: logger.error("Generate_router_comparison_reports: Can't open file" " {} for writing.".format(file_name))
def _reduce_route_value(processors_ids, link_ids): value = 0 for link in link_ids: value += 1 << link for processor in processors_ids: value += 1 << (processor + 6) return value def _expand_route_value(processors_ids, link_ids): """ Convert a 32-bit route word into a string which lists the target cores\ and links. """ # Convert processor targets to readable values: route_string = "[" separator = "" for processor in processors_ids: route_string += "{}{}".format(separator, processor) separator = ", " route_string += "] [" # Convert link targets to readable values: link_labels = {0: 'E', 1: 'NE', 2: 'N', 3: 'W', 4: 'SW', 5: 'S'} separator = "" for link in link_ids: route_string += "{}{}".format(separator, link_labels[link]) separator = ", " route_string += "]" return route_string def _search_route( source_placement, dest_placement, key_and_mask, routing_tables, machine): # Create text for starting point source_vertex = source_placement.vertex text = "" if isinstance(source_vertex, AbstractSpiNNakerLinkVertex): text += "Virtual SpiNNaker Link" if isinstance(source_vertex, AbstractFPGAVertex): text += "Virtual FPGA Link" text += "{}:{}:{} -> ".format( source_placement.x, source_placement.y, source_placement.p) # Start the search number_of_entries = 0 # If the destination is virtual, replace with the real destination chip extra_text, total_number_of_entries = _recursive_trace_to_destinations( source_placement.x, source_placement.y, key_and_mask, dest_placement.x, dest_placement.y, dest_placement.p, machine, routing_tables, number_of_entries) text += extra_text return text, total_number_of_entries # locates the next dest position to check def _recursive_trace_to_destinations( chip_x, chip_y, key_and_mask, dest_chip_x, dest_chip_y, dest_p, machine, routing_tables, number_of_entries): """ recursively search though routing tables till no more entries are\ registered with this key """ chip = machine.get_chip_at(chip_x, chip_y) # If reached destination, return the core if (chip_x == dest_chip_x and chip_y == dest_chip_y): text = "" if chip.virtual: text += "Virtual " text += "{}:{}:{}".format(dest_chip_x, dest_chip_y, dest_p) return text, number_of_entries + 1 link_id = None result = None new_n_entries = None if chip.virtual: # If the current chip is virtual, use link out link_id, link = next(iter(chip.router)) result, new_n_entries = _recursive_trace_to_destinations( link.destination_x, link.destination_y, key_and_mask, dest_chip_x, dest_chip_y, dest_p, machine, routing_tables, number_of_entries) else: # If the current chip is real, find the link to the destination table = routing_tables.get_routing_table_for_chip(chip_x, chip_y) entry = _locate_routing_entry(table, key_and_mask.key) for link_id in entry.link_ids: link = chip.router.get_link(link_id) result, new_n_entries = _recursive_trace_to_destinations( link.destination_x, link.destination_y, key_and_mask, dest_chip_x, dest_chip_y, dest_p, machine, routing_tables, number_of_entries) if result is not None: break if result is not None: direction_text = _add_direction(link_id) text = "{}:{}:{} -> {}".format( chip_x, chip_y, direction_text, result) return text, new_n_entries + 1 return None, None def _add_direction(link): # Convert link targets to readable values: link_labels = {0: 'E', 1: 'NE', 2: 'N', 3: 'W', 4: 'SW', 5: 'S'} return link_labels[link] def _locate_routing_entry(current_router, key): """ locate the entry from the router based off the edge :param current_router: the current router being used in the trace :param key: the key being used by the source placement :return: the routing table entry :raise PacmanRoutingException: when there is no entry located on this\ router. """ for entry in current_router.multicast_routing_entries: if entry.mask & key == entry.routing_entry_key: return entry raise exceptions.PacmanRoutingException("no entry located")