Source code for pacman.model.constraints.key_allocator_constraints.fixed_key_field_constraint

from .abstract_key_allocator_constraint import AbstractKeyAllocatorConstraint

[docs]class FixedKeyFieldConstraint(AbstractKeyAllocatorConstraint): """ Constraint that indicates fields in the mask of a key """ __slots__ = [ # any fields that define regions in the mask with further limitations "_fields" ] def __init__(self, fields=None): """ :param fields: any fields that define regions in the mask with further\ limitations :type fields: iterable of :py:class:`pacman.utilities.field.Field` :raise PacmanInvalidParameterException: if any of the fields are\ outside of the mask i.e. mask & field.mask != field.mask\ or if any of the field masks overlap i.e.\ field.mask & other_field.mask != 0 """ self._fields = sorted(fields, key=lambda field: field.mask, reverse=True) @property def fields(self): """ Any fields in the mask - i.e. ranges of the mask that have\ further limitations :return: Iterable of fields, ordered by mask with the highest bit\ range first :rtype: iterable of :py:class:`pacman.utilities.field.Field` """ return self._fields def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FixedKeyFieldConstraint): return False if len(self._fields) != len(other.fields): return False for field in self._fields: if field not in other.fields: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): frozen_fields = frozenset(self._fields) return hash(frozen_fields) def __repr__(self): return "FixedKeyFieldConstraint(fields={})".format( self._fields)